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MBA Scholarships, Robert Gordon University, UK


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MBA Scholarships, Robert Gordon University, UK

The MBA scholarship for 2011/12, offered to Business, Management and Accounting students, can assist you with the cost of studying this prestigious course.

The Aberdeen Business School is able to offer a limited number of scholarships to assist exceptionally able students who wish to undertake its MBA programme on a full-time or online basis.

The MBA scholarship takes the form of a reduction in the normal tuition fees by a specified amount. Successful applicants will be responsible for paying the balance of their tuition fees, and for all their other travel and living expenses.

Full-time MBA
Scholarships range from £3,000 to £9,000. The numbers of Scholarships awarded varies from region to region.

Online MBA and Executive Part-time MBA
Scholarships range from £500 to £3,000 and are open to all applicants.

All applicants must meet the normal admission criteria for the MBA programme.

Candidates with an offer for the MBA or MBA Oil and Gas Management degrees can apply for a MBA scholarship.

Awards Criteria
The scholarship application is judged on three criteria:

  1. The student’s past academic qualification
  2. Whether the student has demonstrated career progression and achievement, and
  3. Evaluation of an essay of 1,000 – 1,500 words written by the student.

Guidance Notes for the Written Essay
Applicants for a scholarship should prepare and submit an essay of 1,000 – 1,500 words under the following headings.

1. Business Experience
Demonstrate how your business and managerial experience to date has provided some unique insights into business and business processes and how these can be made relevant to your class colleagues and in which modules of the course.

2. Interpersonal Skills
Demonstrate how your interpersonal skills will exceptionally enhance group based learning during your course.

3. Cultural and National Prospective
Outline your cultural and national prospective and demonstrate why this will be of interest to other members of an international class.

4. Special Attributes
Outline any academic or other specialized skill achievements that you possess which will enhance and contribute to class discussion and debate.

5. General attributes
Generally demonstrate why your application should be considered ahead of others from your region. Guidance Notes for the Written Essay

You should only apply for a scholarship when you are in receipt of an offer for the degree.

Scholarship applications should be submitted by:

  • For the September intake, August 31
  • For the January intake, November 30

After Applying
Applications for a scholarship will be assessed by the admissions panel on a competitive basis.

Scholarships will be awarded to students on the basis of their potential contribution to the course, assessed by information gained from their application form, scholarship application paper, references, and any other relevant information.

Decisions on the award of scholarships will be made by the MBA Scholarship Committee. The MBA Scholarship Committee meets each month. When a decision has been reached this will be immediately communicated to the applicant.

For more information, please visit official website.

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