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2012 Spring Graduate School Scholarships in Dept. Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University


Jika anda yang sedang mencari informasi 2012 Spring Graduate School Scholarships in Dept. Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University, maka Beasiswa D3 S1 S2 akan menyampaikan tentang 2012 Spring Graduate School Scholarships in Dept. Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University seperti dibawah ini:

2012 Spring Graduate School Scholarships in Dept. Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University

The Department provides financial support for full tuition fees and monthly subsidy of 700,000 Korean won on average for all students. Besides, students with excellent performances will be granted with Outstanding Graduate Student Award. The Department of Energy Science (DOES) was founded at the Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, which has a close partnership with the global company, SAMSUNG. Established from the World Class University (WCU) program funded by the Korean Government, DOES has invited the several world-renown overseas scholars.

Applicants for Combined Master’s-Doctorate Program should have earned a degree that is equivalent to a Korean bachelor’s degree or should be supposed to obtain a bachelor’s degree by February 2012 Applicants for Ph.D. Program should have earned a degree that is equivalent to the Korean master’s degree or should be supposed to obtain a Master’s degree by February 2012

Study Subject(s): Energy Science
Course Level: Integrated Master’s-PhD program and single PhD program
Scholarship Provider: Sungkyunkwan University
Scholarship can be taken at: Korea
Scholarship Application Deadline: Nov. 24, 2011

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