Postdoctoral Position in 3D Electron Microscopy of Membrane Proteins at University of Vermont

Postdoctoral Position in 3D Electron Microscopy of Membrane Proteins at University of Vermont

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Prof. Michael Radermacher at the University of Vermont, to study the structure and function of mitochondrial and bacterial complex I by 3D electron microscopy. We have determined the structures of eukaryotic and bacterial complex I at intermediate resolutions. Now, the emergence of the first X-ray structures of bacterial complex I and first X-ray results for eukaryotic complex I open up new exciting possibilities for analyzing different conformations. The work will require biochemical preparation of samples of complex I, electron microscopy and data processing with techniques well established in the laboratory. Alternatively, depending on interest, emphasis can be placed on improvement of image processing techniques in connection with the 3D reconstruction of complex I. The candidate we are looking for must have experience in 3D electron microscopy or other biological structure determination methods (e.g. X-ray crystallography, NMR, etc.).
Our laboratory is one of the leading laboratories in 3D electron microscopy, imaging and data processing. Over the years we have developed a large number of techniques for 3D reconstruction of single particles, many of which have become standard methods. We have a large set of prior results on the structure of complex I that will help in the current research. For additional questions please contact me at the email address below.
We have close interactions with other research groups at UVM, in Medicine, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biology as well as Computer Science. The University of Vermont offers a highly interdisciplinary and collaborative environment.
Applications should include a cover letter with an explanation of your previous experience in 3D electron microscopy or structural biology (very important), a CV, and names and addresses of three references. Please email your application to
Deadline : June, 20th 2011