PhD studentship in Process and outcomes of patient and public involvement (PPI) in research at Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry

PhD studentship in Process and outcomes of patient and public involvement (PPI) in research at Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry

This Studentship is based at Exeter.
The Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry with its parent Institutions, the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, are seeking to attract PhD candidates of outstanding ability to join their exciting and rapidly expanding programme of internationally rated research.
As part of our new developments and our commitment to research excellence, applications are invited from suitably qualified graduates, 2:1 or above, for a PhD studentship. International students must also have IELTS [International English Language Testing System] score of 7 and above (or equivalent qualification).
PPI in health research is required by many research funding bodies but evidence of the impact of PPI is difficult to find. This PhD will involve tracking the progress of a range of research projects with differing forms of PPI. A number of research projects (maximum 10) will also be selected for in-depth case study analysis. Data sources will include interviews, observations and documentary material. The data will be used to develop a model of the impact of PPI in research and to draw up recommendations about the most effective ways of carrying out PPI.
The studentship will be very suitable for someone with a social sciences background (first or master`s degree) who is interested in a career as a qualitative researcher.
Start date: 1 October 2011
Funding Notes
The stipend will be £13,590 (based on full time 10/11 rate). Tuition fees will be paid at the home rate. Candidates from countries outside the European Uni0n will be liable for the difference between `home student fees` and `international student fees`. If you wish to be considered for this studentship you must confirm that you able to pay the international portion of the fee. For the 10/11 academic year this is £9200 but is likely to increase slightly each year. If you are selected you will be required to provide financial assurances.
How to apply for this position:
For an application pack, please contact:
Bernice Wilmshurst, Senior Administrator (Research Degrees)
Peninsula College of Medicine & Dentistry,
John Bull Building, Tamar Science Park , Plymouth PL6 8BU
Telephone 01752 437471 or email
For an informal discussion, please contact: Dr Andy Gibson, e-mail:
Closing date: 4pm, Thursday 7July 2011