Postdoc positions at Product- and Production Development at Chalmers University of Technology

Postdoc positions at Product- and Production Development at Chalmers University of Technology

The implementation of education and research takes place at Chalmers 17 departments. At the Department of Product and Production Development the main competences are found in the areas of human centred design, product development and production systems and in the interaction between these disciplines. The majority of the research is conducted in collaboration with industry. The department has more than 75 employees, organized into three divisions: Design & Human Factors; Product Development; and Production Systems.
The research at Division Design & Human Factors concerns the relationship between people and technology in a broad sense, with the aim to develop further knowledge and contribute to a more human-centered development of technical products and systems. Research themes include Methods and Tools for identifying customer/user requirements and evaluating design solutions from a use perspective, designing efficient, effective and safe Human-Machine System, and Product Experiences, including aesthetic, affective and semantic aspects.
At the Division of Product Development research is conducted in three different research groups. The research group Systems Engineering & PLM studies the development process and its actors to understand the problems and needs of product development organizations. The research group Robust Design and Variation Simulation focuses its research on methods and information technology support for verification of product geometry in the early design phases. The research group Machine Elements focus on modeling, simulation, analysis and optimization of machines, machine systems and components to ensure a good function, the right performance, durability and reliability in order to develop well-functioning and robust products.
As a postdoc in the Division of Production Systems you are part of a team of researchers that focuses on new knowledge for design, management and operation of complex production systems. Our research is concentrated on production system components and how they interact. The goals are to achieve high productivity, flexibility and safety in the production system. We study e.g. human operators; different kinds of automation; robots; information technology. We also develop simulations of production flows, increased information flow, and optimized interaction between humans and technology. We cooperate closely with automotive, process, aerospace, food, and other industries. We also, collaborate nationally and internationally with other universities and institutes.
Job description
We are looking for someone who has expertise in one or more of the following areas of research:
- Systems Engineering & PLM;
- Robust Design and Variation Simulation;
- Machine Elements; • Industrial Design;
- Human Factors Engineering;
- User Centred Design;
- Design education;
- Assembly automation and flexible production;
- Production simulation and virtual engineering;
- Human factors in manufacturing, including ICT tools.
- You have a recent Ph.D. degree in a subject relevant for the research at the department;
- You have a good theoretical background and an interest to work with real-world problems;
- You have experience of working in industry and it is an advantage if you have participated in international projects;
- You have an interest in interdisciplinary work with researchers and engineers from other fields;
- Teaching experience is an advantage;
- You should be proficient in English both spoken and written;
- You have good social skills and that you find it easy to communicate and collaborate with many different types of people and interact with both industry and academia
The Postdoc position is an appointment that offers an opportunity to qualify for further research positions within academia or industry. The appointment is for 1+1 years of full-time employment, with a monthly salary paid. Most of your working time is devoted to your own research. Included in your work is also to take part in supervision of Ph.D. students and M.Sc thesis students. Teaching of undergraduate students may also be included to a small extent. You will attend international conferences and meetings, where you will present your own work and establish useful contacts with other researchers. The position can commence immediately.
Application procedure
The application shall be written in English and include the following items:
- An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
- Curriculum Vitae including list of publications
- Two reference persons who can be contacted by Chalmers (describe association with them and give their contact addresses)
- Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents The application shall be sent electronically. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
The documents according to items 1-4 above shall be attached as two pdf-files. One should contain items 1-3 in the listing of material to be included in the application The other should contain item 4 in the listing of material, and any other appendices.
The files may be compressed (zipped).
If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2011/54) must be written on the first page of the application.
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Further information
For more information, please contact one of the following:
Professor and Head of Department Rikard Söderberg
+46 31-772 86 17
Professor Johan Stahre (Production Systems)
+46 31-772 12 88
Professor MariAnne Karlsson (Design and Human Factors)
+46 31 772 1108
Professor Hans Johannesson (Product Development)
+46 31 772 1363
Reference number 2011/54 Application deadline : June, 19th 2011
Visit Official Website.