PhD & Postdoctoral Fellowships, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

PhD & Postdoctoral Fellowships, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

4 PhD research fellowship positions and 1 post doctoral position
Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering
Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology
Department of Petroleum Engineering & Applied Geophysics
3 PhD research fellowship positions and 1 post doctoral position at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU, and 1 PhD research fellowship position at the Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, within the research project “Intelligent drilling – automated underbalanced drilling operations”
4 PhD research fellowship positions and 1 post doc position are vacant within the research project “Intelligent drilling – automated underbalanced drilling operations”, funded by the Norwegian Research Council and Statoil ASA. The PhD scholars and Post Doc will work on challenging research problems in an active research team at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics and the Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, NTNU, in close interaction with researchers from Statoil and International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS), and with extensive international cooperation.
The main research objective is to develop intelligent closed-loop control concepts for improved safety and efficiency of offshore underbalanced drilling operations (UBD). UBD with complete control over borehole hydraulics will be an enabling technology for getting access to reserves in mature fields which are unreachable with conventional drilling technologies. Moreover, such UBD technology will provide a number of other enhancements in safety and efficiency of drilling operations.
Relevant research themes are
- Holistic automated pressure and flow control for underbalanced drilling
- Two-phase flow modeling, estimation and control in underbalanced drilling
- Autonomous and adaptive control and observer designs for underbalanced drilling
- Fault detection, and fault tolerant and robust control for underbalanced drilling
- Well control and barriers in automated UBD wells
- Modeling and control of slugging in UBD wells
The advisor/co-advisor team consists of
- Lars Imsland, Professor, Dept. Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU
- Ole Morten Aamo, Professor, Dept. Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU
- Tor Arne Johansen, Professor, Dept. Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU
- Glenn-Ole Kaasa, Adjunct Associate Professor Dept. Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU; Principal Researcher Statoil
- John-Morten Godhavn, Adjunct Professor Dept. Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, NTNU; Principal Researcher, Statoil
- Sigbjørn Sangesland, Professor Dept. Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, NTNU
- Gerhard Nygaard, Chief Scientist IRIS; Adjunct Professor University of Stavanger
- Alexey Pavlov, Principal Researcher, Statoil
The PhD scholarships are offered for a period of 3 years, while the post doctoral position will be offered for a period up to 3 years.
For the PhD scholarships: Required backgrounds for the PhD-positions are MSc degrees in engineering cybernetics/control engineering or similar, or MSc degree in petroleum engineering, multiphase flow modeling or similar. The applicants should indicate which theme(s) they are interested in. Solid scientific qualifications, relevant MSc research topics, motivation and personal qualities are important. Applicants must be qualified for PhD studies at NTNU, please see Official Website. for information about PhD studies at NTNU.
It is a prerequisite that the PhD scholar applies for and is granted admission to the NTNU PhD studies as soon as possible after employment. NTNUs PhD-rules require a Master degree or equivalent with at least 5 years of studies and an average grade of A or B within a scale of A-E for passing grades (A best). Candidates from universities outside Norway are kindly requested to send a Diploma Supplement or a similar document, which describes in detail the study and grade system and the rights for further studies associated with the obtained degree: visit Official Website.
The position is placed in salary code 1017, which currently corresponds to a yearly gross income of NOK 391 100 (pay scale level 48). From this 2 % will be deducted for mandatory membership in the National Pension Fund. The appointment will be made in accordance with current regulations with supplementary rules for research fellowship appointments in universities and polytechnics. Applicants must agree to participate in organized doctoral
study programs within the period of the appointment. The successful applicant must agree to the conditions laid down for public employees.
Candidates will be required to enroll in a PhD program within the period of employment, and must sign a contract regulating the period of employment.
For the Post Doc position: Applicants must have a PhD in engineering cybernetics/control engineering or similar, or a PhD in petroleum engineering on topics closely related to automated drilling. For applicants with a control background, specialization in automated drilling systems is advantageous. Documented scientific qualifications, relevant PhD research topics and personal qualities are important.
Post.doc-fellowships are placed in salary code 1352, salary level 57 in the national salary scheme, gross NOK 455 900 per annum of which 2 % is deducted for State Pension scheme.
The appointment will be made in accordance with current regulations. The successful applicant must agree to the conditions laid down for public employees. Candidates must sign a contract regulating the starting date and duration of employment.
Contact person for all positions: Professor Lars Imsland, e-mail:
Applicants from non-English-speaking countries outside Europe must document a TOEFL score of 600 or higher.
According to Norwegian policies, the government workforce should, as closely as possible, reflect the diversity of the population at large. It is therefore a goal of NTNU, as a government institution, to have a workforce which is balanced with respect to age and gender, and to recruit persons of immigrant background. NTNU also wishes to increase the number of women on its workforce, and women are specifically encouraged to apply.
The application must include information about education, exams and earlier experience. Certified copies of certificates and diplomas must be enclosed. Relevant scientific works should be submitted. Joint works will be taken into account. In cases where it is difficult to determine the applicant’s contribution, a short note of explanation should be supplied.
Applications are to be submitted electronically through this page. Preferably, we want the attachments in one file.
Applications should be marked: IME 028-2011, and in addition you have to state for which position it is applied for.
Application deadline: August 8th 2011.
For more information, please visit Official Website.