IWC Water Leader Scholarships

IWC Water Leader Scholarships

To apply for the scholarship, you must also apply for the MIWM program. Both applications must be received by the deadline.
The scholarships are available to eligible Australian/New Zealand citizens, Australian permanent residents and international applicants to study the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM) program which begins in February 2012 (Semester 1).
Step 1: Apply for the MIWM program
Step 2: Apply for the Water Leader Scholarships
* Full-tuition fee ($41,520) for full-time or part-time/distance** study of the Master of Integrated Water Management
* Partial-tuition fee* for full-time or part-time/distance** study of the Master of Integrated Water Management
* Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for international students Note: the scholarships do not include travel, accommodation, field work, or living costs. These costs will be the responsibility of successful recipients.
E-mail: or
Phone: +61 7 3123 7766
Official Webpage
Deadline : 1 August 2011