9 PhD Scholarships at Leuphana University of Luneburg

9 PhD Scholarships at Leuphana University of Luneburg

As part of sub-measure 1.4 of the Lüneburg Innovation Incubator, Leuphana Graduate School will grant.
9 doctoral scholarships to extraordinarily qualified candidates to promote young academics.
The scholarships, starting in the 2011-2012 winter semester, will be awarded in the following research fields:
- Health tourism within the region
- Renewable energies within the region
- Internet media within the region
- Health economy within the region
- Sustainable agriculture within the region
- Culture and region
- Public administration and region
- Entrepreneurship for regional enterprises
The doctoral scholarships will be awarded in the amount of €1,300 per month for a duration of up to 36 months.
The purpose of the doctoral scholarships is to encourage active participation in sub-measure 1.4 of Leuphana Graduate School within the scope of the Lüneburg Innovation Incubator under supervision of the visiting research professors or the project management and to enhance cooperation with the regional economy in the Lüneburg convergence region by carrying out projects of knowledge transfer or research and consultancy for the benefit of microenterprises as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The invitation to apply for a scholarship is targeted at extraordinarily qualified young academics working in the above-mentioned research fields or in any related discipline. Prospective scholarship recipients will be expected to do their doctoral projects within the scope of their particular research fields at Leuphana University of Lüneburg by reference to (regional) SMEs.
Scholarship application requirements
- Appropriate professional experience as evidenced by:
- vocational training completed, or
- qualifying internship experience of at least eight weeks, or
- appropriate project work or final papers in any of the above-mentioned fields of research
- Exposé of the doctoral project by reference to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to the above-mentioned fields of research (five pages maximum)
- Above-average grade point average in previous undergraduate studies (master`s, Diplom, Magister, or any similar degree) as evidenced by the transcript of records or the undergraduate degree certificate.
Please note that candidates applying for the scholarship starting in the 2011-2012 winter semester must submit their applications for admission to the Admissions Office of Leuphana University of Lüneburg. If, at the time of application, admission has not yet been granted, they must be enrolled in the doctoral program at the beginning of the scholarship term. The application form can be downloaded from the website of Leuphana Graduate School at Official Website.
The admission requirements are set forth in the regulations governing doctoral studies. You can download these regulations as well as additional information from the website of Leuphana Graduate School at Official Website.
Selection procedure
As part of the selection process, the selection committee will invite promising candidates for an interview. Prospective scholarship recipients are likely to be notified about six to eight weeks after the deadline for application. The scholarships will first be awarded for one year and will be extended upon request. The requirements for extension of the scholarship term will be sent to the applicant along with the notice of approval. The scholarship will be granted for a period of up to 36 consecutive calendar months. Semesters of leave of absence will generally not be covered by the scholarship. The Regulations on the Awarding of Doctoral Scholarships at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, as published on August 17, 2010 in the Official Gazette of Leuphana University of Lüneburg (GAZETTE No. 13/10), shall be legally binding.
Please send your completed application with the subject line "Innovation Incubator: Doctoral Scholarship" by email as a PDF file (one file including all attachments) to:
Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Graduate School
Ms Eva Breitenstein
Scharnhorststraße 1
D-21335 Lüneburg,
email: eva.breitenstein@inkubator.leuphana.de
Deadline for application: 30 June 2011
Please submit the following documents with your application:
- Copy of undergraduate degree certificate or of the transcript of records of your master`s studies or of a study program qualifying you for doctoral studies indicating the grade point average (for foreign students: GPA
- Notice of admission to doctoral studies (to be submitted subsequently, if required)
- Résumé
- Proof of appropriate professional experience as evidenced by:
- vocational training certificate, or
- internship certificate (including profile of activities), or
- summary of project work or final papers
- Exposé (see scholarship application requirements under item 2)
- Expert opinion on your qualifications and the relevance of your intended field of specialization, issued by a university lecturer at Leuphana University of Lüneburg who will supervise your doctoral studies. If possible, include a second opinion on your qualifications and the relevance of your intended doctoral project, written by an expert in your field.
- Informal cover letter
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