Undergraduate & Postgraduate Scholarships in Engineering, Cardiff University, UK

Undergraduate & Postgraduate Scholarships in Engineering, Cardiff University, UK

When are the scholarships available?
The School of Engineering Scholarships are available to undergraduate and postgraduate taught students commencing their courses in September 2011.
In what subject areas are the scholarships available?
The scholarships are available for all degree programmes offered by the School.
How much are the scholarships worth?
The scholarships are worth £1,500 and will represent a significant reduction in tuition fees for the first year of your studies.
Who will be eligible?
All self-funding students who are classified as overseas students for fee paying purposes and who are not in receipt of any other scholarship. Students must also have accepted their offer of a place by 30th June 2011.
What are the criteria for award of the scholarships?
The scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis to those students with the best academic results.
How do I apply for the scholarships?
You do not need to formally apply. All self funding students who have accepted their offer on a firm basis will automatically be considered for an award.
When will I know if I have been successful?
You will be informed shortly after you have accepted the offer of a place.
If I am successful when will I receive my first payment?
Payments will commence after enrollment on the relevant programme.
How can I find out more about these scholarships?
For further information please contact our International Students’ Admissions Tutor, Dr Steve Bentley on BentleySP@cardiff.ac.uk or telephone +44 (0)29 2087 4411.
Scholarships for Postgraduate Research Students
A limited number of scholarships are also available to international students applying for PhD programmes. For further information about these please see our website or e-mail engineering-pgr@cardiff.ac.uk