International Undergraduate Scholarships, University of Southampton, UK

International Undergraduate Scholarships, University of Southampton, UK

A limited number of scholarships are available to full-time Undergraduate students who have accepted a place on an Undergraduate Programme (BA) for the coming academic year and who are not in receipt of any other scholarship/bursary from WSA. These scholarships are for the first year only.
Who can apply: International candidates only
Applications will be considered only after the applicant has been offered a place and accepted the offer by returning the “Reply to Offer”slip. All scholarship/bursary applications (Unless not required) must reach us by 15 July 2011. Scholarship/bursary winners will be notified in writing in August 2011.
Please send scholarship/bursary applications to us by one of the three means given below. We cannot be held responsible for missing or delayed applications if other means are used, for instance, handing over to a member of staff from WSA or the University.
By post:
Mrs Sarah Hughes
Admissions Coordinator
Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton)
Park Avenue
SO23 8DL
United Kingdom
By fax: 0044 23 8059 6901. Please address the fax to Mrs Sarah Hughes.
By email:
Application forms are downloadable from our Official Website. For assistance or enquires, please contact the Admissions Office on Tel +44 (0)23 8059 6917/6918 or email