University of Cambridge PhD Studentship in Haematology, UK

University of Cambridge PhD Studentship in Haematology, UK

Functional characterization of novel regulators of haematopoiesis and platelet function in Danio rerio
A PhD position is available jointly supervised by Dr Ana Cvejic and Professor Willem H Ouwehand who have an international track record in megakaryocyte and platelet biology and genomics.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) provide a new and powerful approach to identify novel regulators of haematopoiesis and platelet function. In a next step we want to explore the mechanisms by which common sequence variation exerts its effect on haematopoiesis.
This PhD project will initially apply high-throughput screening methods in Danio rerio to determine the function of novel genes, identified by GWAS, in haematopoiesis. Further studies will focus on novel genes encoding proteins that are important regulators of transcription.
The successful applicant will be trained in performing experiments with Danio rerio applying a variety of molecular biology and next generation sequencing techniques, state-of-the-art imaging systems, in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry and will mainly work in the Zebrafish genetics group of Dr Derek Stemple at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
We are seeking applications from ambitious and highly motivated individuals looking to work in an interdisciplinary environment with education, experience or interest in haematopoiesis. Applicants should have a first or upper second-class degree in biology, biochemistry or related subjects. Familiarity with molecular biology techniques would be advantageous.
This 4-year studentship will cover University composition fees, College fees and a £16,500 stipend for UK/EEA applicants.
For more information on the group including recent publications, please see: Official Website. and Official Website.
Previous applicants to this post should not apply.
Applications, including a completed CHRIS/6 form ( Official Website.) with three referees, and a full CV should be forwarded to Ms Lucy Szabo on Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Ana Cvejic +44(0)1223 838629 or Professor Willem H Ouwehand +44(0)1223 588037.
* Limit of tenure: 4 years
Closing date: 30 April 2011.
Visit Official Website.