Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Master Scholarships in Computer Science, Venice, Italy

Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Master Scholarships in Computer Science, Venice, Italy

The course unfolds into three semesters of full-time lectures and lab experience on practical exercises. During the last semester students work on an individual project and dissertation.
The program covers the theory and practice of a wide spectrum of fields in Computer Science and Information Technology.
Two suggested sub-programs, resulting from selecting a specific group of elective courses, are the following:
The (1) Information Sciences and Intelligent Systems sub-program, and the (2) Software Dependability and IT Security sub-program.
Candidates who hold a foreign degree, equivalent to a tree-year Bachelor degree or higher in Computer Science or related subject (Computer/Electronic Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, etc.), and are proficient in English, can apply.
Candidates can ask for a pre-evaluation of their qualification and school career before starting the official enrolment procedure.This pre-evaluation is particularly important for non-EU citizens residing abroad, who have to apply within an early deadline (Apr 30th), and then submit a further pre-enrolment application to an Italian Diplomatic Delegation for obtaining the Italian Visa.
Visit Official Website.