[New Zealand] New Zealand Intl Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS)

[New Zealand] New Zealand Intl Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS)
New Zealand Intl Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS)New Zealand provides opportunities to study under internationally recognised academics and researchers in a wide range of disciplines. Qualifications from New Zealand universities rank with the world`s best and have a reputation for being practical and modern. In some niche areas, such as biotechnology, forensic science and marine engineering, New Zealand degrees are acknowledged as world-leading.
Students educated here are earning a reputation as a new breed of innovative thinkers, and enjoying success the world over. Our international scholarships reflect the Government`s commitment to strengthening educational partnerships with other countries and regions. The scholarship programme aims to share New Zealand`s excellent education system with the rest of the world, and bring the best academics from elsewhere to share their knowledge. If you have any questions about the scholarships listed below, please contact the Education New Zealand Scholarships Manager - scholarships@educationnz.org.nz
New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS) are open to all international students who meet the eligibility criteria.
NZIDRS scholarships include:
- full tuition fees for three years of full-time doctoral study.
- NZ$20,500 per annum living allowance (NZ$1708.33 per month).
- up to NZ$600 annual health insurance allowance.
- NZ$2000 (across 3 year tenure) travel allowance. This is intended to be used for conference attendance and field research.
- NZ$800 (across 3 year tenure) book and thesis allowance.
- NZ$500 one-off establishment allowance. Only to be paid to those students who are travelling to NZ specifically to take up the NZIDRS. No student already located in NZ is eligible to receive this amount.
Additional funds are not available to support accompanying dependants.
Evidence of available supervision
You need to show evidence that academic supervision is available when you apply for this scholarship. Applicants should contact the relevant university departments to confirm the availability of appropriate supervision before submitting their applications. Please see the terms and conditions for more information.
The NZIDRS closes to applications on the 15th of July each year.
Applications will be accepted from early May until 5pm (NZ time) on Thursday the 15th of July 2010. Please note that NZIDRS applications received after the closing date and/or incomplete applications will not be considered by the selection panel under any circumstances. This is non-negotiable.
Contact: scholarships@educationnz.org.nz
Website link: