[Netherlands] PhD on Family and School Influence on Future Life Plans at University of Amsterdam

[Netherlands] PhD on Family and School Influence on Future Life Plans at University of Amsterdam
PhD on Family and School Influence on Future Life Plans at University of AmsterdamThe department of Social Research Methodology, Faculty of Social Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, has a vacancy for a PhD position. This project about The Influence of Family and School on Future Life Plans of Adolescents is funded by a grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
Vacancy number 1.2010.00154
Research project:
The influence of family and school on future life plans of adolescents This research project aims to study the future life plans of adolescents. Attention will be paid to their ambitions for their educational and occupational careers, and to their intentions with regard to family formation. An important question is to what extent – in this era of individualization – the future plans of adolescents are still influenced by their social environment: the parents, the school, and the peer group, and whether this influence depends on the field of planning. The project will use data collected in 2005 among 1500 students of grades three, four and five in secondary education. In the questionnaire, the 14 to 17 year olds reported extensively on their plans and expectations with regard to their future life course ineducation, occupation and family formation. Data from parents were collected as well. They received a mail survey in which they were asked to describe their expectations and ambitions for their children. As students were interviewed in school classes, the project also allows to study the influence of school and peers within the school class.
The PhD student is expected to:
-analyze survey data with sophisticated multi-level modelling techniques;
-conduct a small data collection among the schools that participate in the study;
-write articles for international peer reviewed scientific journals;
-write a PhD thesis;
-participate in the activities of the research programme Social Inequalities and the Life Course (SILC) of the Department;
-contribute to the teaching tasks of the Department.
We are looking for a candidate (f/m) with a relevant university Masters degree in Sociology, Demography or another Social Science. Excellent knowledge of quantitative methods of analysis is required. The PhD research candidate needs to be proficient in spoken and written English.
Further particulars
The PhD position will be available at the VU University Amsterdam in the Department of Social Research Methodology. The appointment will be available initially for 12 months. After a successful evaluation the contract will be prolonged with 36 months. The candidate will participate in the PhD programme of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Salary The salary is € 2.042,- gross per month in the first year, increasing to € 2.612,- in the fourth year based on full-time employment. Further information about our excellent fringe benefits of employment may be found at www.workingatvu.nl Information More information on the Department and its research programme on Social Inequality and the Life Course can be found at www.fsw.vu.nl/en/departments/social-research-methodology. Information on this particular position can be obtained from prof. dr. Aat Liefbroer (e-mail: ac.liefbroer@fsw.vu.nl, phone +31 703565230).
Written applications should include a curriculum vitae, names of two academic references, a copy of the MSc diploma plus list of marks, and a motivation of interest for this specific position. Please mention the vacancy number in the e-mail header, or at the top of your letter and on the envelope. Send your application before July 5, 2010 to VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Social Sciences, attn. M. Karssen, Managing Director, De Boelelaan 1081, NL-1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It is also possible to apply by e-mail to vacature-MT@fsw.vu.nl
Deadline: 5 July 2010