MBA Director’s Scholarship, Bournemouth University, UK

MBA Director’s Scholarship, Bournemouth University, UK
Studying for an MBA is a fantastic way to develop your skills, expand your knowledge and improve your employment prospects. We recognise the personal and financial commitment involved in postgraduate study. That’s why we offer a range of funding support to eligible MBA students.The Director of the Bournemouth MBA will award a number of scholarships to outstanding professional students enrolling on the Bournemouth MBA in September 2013.
The Bournemouth MBA Director’s Scholarship is available for full–time and part–time applicants, irrespective of nationality or citizenship status.
The scholarship is for the sum of £2,000, which will be deducted from the published tuition fee or provided to you as a cheque. For full–time students the scholarship will be for the first year of the course and for part–time students the scholarship will be on a pro–rata basis.
To be eligible for the Bournemouth MBA Director’s Scholarship you should normally have a minimum First Class Honours UK undergraduate degree or equivalent academic qualification and/or three years work experience. If English is not your first language, you will need IELTS (Academic) 6.5 or above. You must also meet any other conditions relating to your offer.
You need to apply for this scholarship before 30th June 2013 and submit this form with your MBA application form. We will advise you if you have been successful when you are sent an offer of a place on the course. The scholarship will only be offered to students enrolling in September 2013 and can not be carried forward to future intakes.
Please note that your financial situation will not be taken into account as these scholarships are a reward for individual achievement.
For more information, please visit : official website