Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL) Scholarships, Europe

Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL) Scholarships, Europe
The Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL) is a master course for laboratory managers and scientists who wish to implement and manage Quality Systems in analytical laboratories, or work in Quality System environments in accredited analytical laboratories.After five years of running as an Erasmus Mundus Master Course (EMMC), the EMQAL was once again evaluated and selected by the European Commission for Erasmus Mundus funding.From 177 applications submitted in 2012, 30 EMMC were selected for their excellency for Erasmus Mundus funding. As a result, the EMQAL will be able to offer Erasmus Mundus grants to students and scholars for an additional period of 5 years, 2013-2018.
The second phase of EMQAL will be coordinated by the University of Barcelona.
The master is offered by a Consortium of five European universities and three non-EU universities:
- University of Barcelona (Spain, ES) – coordinator
- University of Algarve (Portugal, PT)
- University of Bergen (Norway, NO)
- University of Cadiz (Spain, ES)
- Gdansk University of Technology (Poland, PL)
- Central South University (China)
- Novosibirsk National Research State University (Russian Federation)
- University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
The programme duration is 24 months (120 ECTS), consisting of a 1 year (60 ECTS) taught course and a 1 year Project and Thesis (60 ECTS). The main language of instruction is English. Each university also offers an intensive language school prior to the programme, as well as the opportunity of local language training during the course.
In the first year, classes take place in the Host Institution, and are lectured by specialists from all the partner institutions. The Host university rotates among the European partners of the Consortium.
General Eligibility Criteria
The Master’s degree is designed to provide additional education or training in the student’s specialized branch of knowledge. The minimum requirements for admission to the Masters are:
1) Strong Academic Background in appropriate disciplines
A “strong academic background” in appropriate disciplines means candidates must hold a high education diploma issued by a competent High Education authority attesting the completion of a degree equivalent to a 1st cycle (180 ECTS), in a field where analytical laboratories play an important role. This may be a degree in Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biochemistry, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering, Clinical Analysis, Medicine, etc.
2) Demonstrated command of the English language
A “demonstrated command of English” means the candidate must prove he/she can understand, speak and write English proficiently enough to take the majority of modules, which are taught in English.
Possible examples include:
- Test of English as a Foreign Language, TOEFL scores paper 575 / computer 232
- Internet based TOEFL (TOEFL iBT™ ) total score 94
- International English Language Testing System, IELTS scores 6.5
- General Certificate of Education, GCSE, AS Level, A Level
- Cambridge Proficiency Certificate, CPE, Level 4-5
- Oxford Higher Certificate, International Certificate Conference (ICC Stage 3 Technical)
In case of selection, candidates who only took the self-test will be interviewed. The interview will have the objective of confirming the self-test of English proficiency presented in the application. In case the interview shows the proficiency is below what was stated in the application, the application will be cancelled.
3) Adequate financial resources
When you apply there is no guarantee that you will be considered for an ERASMUS or ERASMUS MUNDUS studentship so you should be fully aware of the financial costs of the programme. All candidates must take the financial aspects in consideration when applying. The studentships are extremely competitive and only the very best students in a field of many excellent applicants will be awarded the studentships.
You should indicate clearly if you are relying on ERASMUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS or other studentships to finance your study.
Before final acceptance, candidates who were not awarded a studentship will be required to submit a Guarantee of full financial support for the duration of the studies. The University needs to now that you have sufficient funds to cover the entire period of study. This document must be signed by whomever is meeting your university expenses. It may also have to be certified by a bank or lawyer. Keep a copy of this form since you may also need it to apply for your student visa. Please note, however, that the university will issue the relevant certificate of eligibility for a student visa only if you are able to document fully your source(s) of income.
Eligibility Criteria for Erasmus Mundus candidates
If you are applying for an Erasmus Mundus or and Erasmus grant, additional eligibility criteria apply:
- Category A Erasmus Mundus studentships are available to Category A candidates.
- Category B Erasmus Mundus studentships are available to Category B candidates.
- (See below for a definition of Category A and Category B applicants)
One individual may apply only to a maximum of three Erasmus Mundus Master courses at the same time. Candidates who do not comply with this rule may have their applications cancelled by the EACEA.
Selection criteria
All eligible candidates to EMQAL are evaluated and ranked according to the following criteria:
- Quality of previous qualifications – evaluates the academic curriculum of the candidate: previous degrees, post-graduate courses, specialization courses, scientific publications.
- Proficiency in languages of the consortium, particularly English.
- Motivation and Potential – measures the benefit to the candidate from the Master.
- Suitability – match between the candidate’s profile and the Master. Appropriate professional experience is evaluated.
- Recommendations – based on the confidential evaluation of the candidate by two referees.
The scores for all criteria are summed, and candidates are ranked by order of merit according to their global score (17.5-25.0).
Each year, a limited number (n) of Erasmus Mundus grants is available. The n top ranked candidates are selected r the main list of candidates.Geographical balance and gender balance restrictions apply. Not more than 25% of the selected candidates may come from the same country, not more than 20% may come from the same university, and not less than 40% must be female candidates. To comply with these restrictions some candidates may be removed from the main list and replaced by the next ranked candidates in the reserve list.
This evaluation is made by a Selection Committee composed of representatives from each of the partner universities in EMQAL. The results are published in this website as a pre-selection of candidates to EMQAL. this pre-selection is sent to the EACEA, who will give the final approval of the candidates selected for Erasmus Mundus studentships.
Applications for the 6th edition (2013-2015) of EMQAL
- Applications open October 8, 2012
- Deadline for category A and category B Erasmus Mundus applications: December 31, 2012
- Deadline for non-scholarship holders – September 30, 2013