[beasiswa] [INFO] PhD scholarships at Suranaree Univ., Thailand

[beasiswa] [INFO] PhD scholarships at Suranaree Univ., Thailand
Beasiswa S3 (untuk lulusan S2) atau S3 (untuk lulusan S1) di Thailand untuk Warga Negara ASEAN.Iwan
The coming year of 2015 marks a very important milestone for all ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries in that we shall be integrated to become one single community. The ASEAN Community consists of three pillars: ASEAN Economic Community, ASEAN Political and Security Pillar and ASEAN Socio- Cultural Pillar. Higher education has an important role in supporting the establishment of ASEAN Community and preparing ASEAN people and countries for the regional integration. Knowledge of science, technology and innovation is one of key factors in sustaining economic growth, enhancing community's well-being and promoting integration in ASEAN. To push forward to build a strong science and technology base for ASEAN as a single integrated economy, and to ensure ASEAN to remain globally competitive, ASEAN member countries have to move up the technology ladder and focus on enhancing their capability for technological innovation in many areas.
Since its establishment, Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) has constantly proved itself to stand in the forefront of higher education institutions in the country and the Asia-Pacific region. With its careful development and fast and steady progress, it has produced numerous outstanding achievements, well recognized by the public both nationally and internationally. Highlights of those concrete achievements include its well-earned status as one among the nine National Research Universities selected by the Royal Thai Government for the year 2010 and its rank in the highest level among research and teaching universities in Thailand conducted by The Office of National Education Standards a Quality Assessment in 2009, which sends SUT to No.1 in the Public University group, and No.2 in All University category. Moreover, SUT's School of Physics was ranked No. 1 and School of Chemistry "excellence" in 2008, School of Food Technology "excellence" in 2009 and in 2007 it was ranked in the Outstanding Group among science and technology universities, both by Thailand Research Fund. The 2006 ranking by the Office of the Higher Education Commission also ranked SUT in the `Outstanding Research" and "Excellent Teaching and Learning" groups due to its remarkable potentials in research and teaching and learning. For more information about SUT click here
To respond to the establishment of ASEAN Community and celebrate the auspicious occasion of His Majesty the King's 84th birthday anniversary, SUT is delighted to announce the launch of the SUT-PhD Scholarship Program for ASEAN to promote student mobility and PhD degree program development in the region. The future employment in ASEAN will require the graduates to have additional skills apart from their professional skills, such as English and other languages used in ASEAN and the inter-cultural skills. The SUT-PhD Scholarship Program for ASEAN would be one of the solid steps toward greater academic collaboration in ASEAN Community. Nine scholarships will be granted to students or faculty members of higher education institutions in ASEAN countries to further their doctoral degrees study at SUT in the fields of Sciences, Engineering, Agricultural Technology and Social Technology offered by SUT.
Eligible applicants must satisfy the following criteria:
Be national of an ASEAN country (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam)
Hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree in a relevant field
Ph.D. scholarship for Bachelor degree holder:
Hold a Bachelor's degree with GPAX > 3.25 (in 4.00 scale)
Ph.D. scholarship for Master degree holder:
Hold a Master's degree with GPAX > 3.50 (in 4.00 scale) with at least one English- written research publication in a standard international journal
Possess proficiency in English
For English Language Studies program, (TOEFL > 550 or IELTS > 6.0)
For all other Ph.D. programs, (TOEFL > 500 or IELTS > 5.0)
Be of good health physically and mentally
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