[beasiswa] [INFO] PhD Scholarship - Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Info Tech, UQ

[beasiswa] [INFO] PhD Scholarship - Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Info Tech, UQ
PhD Scholarship in University of Queensland, Australia
Opportunities exist for two or more PhD students to contribute to a set of exciting new projects focused on understanding how water, energy and carbon are interconnected in cities - for example in household or industrial water use, or in the water cycle. We are seeking PhD candidates to join a unique multi-disciplinary team at the School of Chemical Engineering at UQ. The School has a long history of research and teaching excellence internationally. It is rapidly becoming one of the major centres of research in the domain of the water-energy-carbon nexus.
The role
The PhD scholars will develop skills in modeling, analysis, data management, scenario and policy formulation and least cost carbon-abatement strategy development. The research will connect with and support a number of new projects at UQ including:
- An ARC Linkage project to quantify the presently unknown water-energy-carbon connections in individual households, as well as clusters of households within cities. The project will lead to detailed knowledge of the influence of technologies, behaviours, and urban water policy, on water use and related energy use, carbon emissions and costs. The results will inform efficient design, monitoring and management of buildings and cities. The work is supported by the Melbourne Water Sector (Smart Water Fund) and has strong linkages with the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology), ETH Zurich (Bits to Energy Laboratory) and other partners.
- A project addressing water cycle in South East Queensland to help underpin improved long-term cost-efficiency and hedge against escalating energy costs. The project will (a) quantify the carbon impact (risk) in the water supply chain (b) develop and input to decision support tools for asset optimisation (c) identify least cost options (d) engage with stakeholders throughout the project.
- Other projects including construction of an on-line virtual laboratory for Industrial Ecology using a multi-stakeholder input-output model (involving 6 other national research partners).
There are opportunities to work on large water and energy data sets, and with existing and developing models. The work is relevant engineering, physics, environmental management and social science.
Collectively the water-energy-carbon research group work will enable formation of a broader set of policy outcomes of national relevance to addressing the national goal of 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, while also minimizing water use and overall urban metabolism. It will have wide potential implications for water and energy utility governance.
The person
You should have an Honours or Masters degree, or equivalent in engineering, physics, environmental management, social science. It is essential that you can clearly demonstrate research potential. An interest in high quality research leading to industry or policy outcomes is desirable. Experience in modelling and/or social science policy analysis is desirable.
Tax-free stipends of $30,000 per annum are available for three years, with the possibility of a six month extension. This scholarship will cover postgraduate tuition fee for international applicants. Top-up scholarships would be available for applicants already holding another relevant scholarship. Applicants are encouraged to have applied for Australian Postgraduate Award and/or UQ Research Scholarships.
To discuss the role, contact Dr Steven Kenway s.kenway@uq.edu.au (0419 979 468) or Prof Paul Lant (Head of School Chemical Engineering) paul.lant@uq.edu.au.
To submit an application for this role, use the Apply button below. All applicants must supply the following documents: Cover letter, Resume and Address of selection criteria including 1/ Relevant tertiary degree; 2/ Data management, analysis or modelling of water/energy/carbon 3/ Written or aural presentation skills, 4/ Independence and self-motivation.
For information on completing the application process click here.
Application Close
07 December 2012
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