[beasiswa] [INFO] FW: Erasmus Mundus Promotion - programmes TECHNO I & II

[beasiswa] [INFO] FW: Erasmus Mundus Promotion - programmes TECHNO I & II
Good Luck and Stay Safe,
Maria Wulandari
----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 2:50 AM
Subject: [indoem] FW: Erasmus Mundus Promotion - programmes TECHNO I & II
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 2:50 AM
Subject: [indoem] FW: Erasmus Mundus Promotion - programmes TECHNO I & II
Dear All,
Di bawah ini adalah informasi tentang peluang beasiswa dari proyek kerjasama universitas "Techno II". Universitas di Indonesia yang merupakan anggota kerjasama ini adalah IPB.
Aplikasi beasiswa dibuka sampai dengan 31 Oktober 2012 terutama bagi Target Group 2 (di luar mhs IPB) dan Target Group 3 (di luar mhs IPB serta masuk dalam kategori "vulnerable groups").
Aplikasi serta informasi lainnya dapat dilihat di situs Techno II. Silakan di share kepada pihak2 lain yang membutuhkan.
From: Laura Verhey [mailto:lverhey@adm.ups-tlse.fr]
Subject: Erasmus Mundus Promotion - programmes TECHNO I & IIDear Sir/MadamI'm contacting you on behalf of the European Office at the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III. Our University Paul Sabatier with 19 partners (6 European and 13 Asian partners) have recently received a grant for our Erasmus Mundus project (Action 2, Strand 1, Lot 10) named "Euro-Asia partnership to promote Medical Environmental and Engineering Technology Education and Research Exchanges II" (TECHNO II): www.techno2-em.orgIn order to promote our programme and bearing in mind the online application for the first call is open until the 31st October 2012, we would be grateful if we could receive your kind help in promoting our programme to any institution that could be concerned by this project (NGOs or any higher education institution not included in the partnership, third-country nationals working in public administrations, public and private enterprises, etc.). We are especially looking for applicants belonging to Target Group 2 and 3 (TG2 & TG3) categories as we have reserved a certain percentage of mobility's to these groups and despite having tried to contact some NGOs, we have still few applicants.We have encountered similar difficulties with our Erasmus Mundus (Action 2, Strand 2, Lot 13) TECHNO I programme which is named "Euro-Asia partnership to promote Engineering Technology Education and Research Exchanges" between our University Paul Sabatier and 5 European partners and 13 Asian partners: http://www.techno-em.org/Please feel free to contact us for any additional information you may need.Regards,Laura VerheyleweghenUniversité Paul Sabatier – Toulouse IIIBureau Europe/ European OfficeBât. Forum - 1er étage - Bureau 157118, Route De Narbonne - 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9Tel : +33 (0) 5 61 55 72 16 – Fax : +33 (0) 5 61 55 72 94Email : lverhey@adm.ups-tlse.frSite web : www.ups-tlse.fr