PhD Scholarship in Physics, University of Queensland, Australia

PhD Scholarship in Physics, University of Queensland, Australia
Quantum Simulation with Neutral Atoms – ExperimentSupervisors: Dr Tyler Neely and Prof. Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop
Study in sunny subtropical Brisbane, Australia, within the new ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQuS – official website) at the University of Queensland – ranked in the top 100 institutions internationally. We have a vacancy for a promising domestic or international student for a new experimental project, utilizing ultracold atoms for quantum simulation.
By lowering the temperature of an ultracold gas of 87Rb and 41K atoms, a novel state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) is produced. These atoms will be then loaded into a configurable optical trap created through the rapid modulation of a tightly focused optical beam. With the ability to address and measure individual atoms in the optical trap, a toolbox for the simulation of magnetic spin systems will be realized. Immediate applications to the understanding of as-yet unexplained quantum magnetic phenomena, and unconventional superfluidity, are the direct goals of this research.
This experimental project will allow for the development of diverse and transferable skills, including electronic and optical design, experimental system design and implementation, software design, and data analysis. This project will also allow for attendance of related international workshops and conferences. There will also be the opportunity to interact with other projects within EQuS, as well as the theoretical quantum atom optics group at the University of Queensland
The remuneration for this position begins at $25,007 p.a. tax free, and indexed annually. A priority top-up scholarship of $5000 is available for exceptional candidates.
Interested applicants are encouraged to apply with the following information to
- Academic CV, including referee contact details official website)
- Academic transcripts from previous study (unofficial)
- Cover letter
Please note the English language requirements of the University of Queensland graduate school must be met to apply for candidature, as well as certified copies of the relevant documentation. International applicants will also be required to apply for the IPRS and UQI scholarship schemes within the University of Queensland graduate school. Official transcripts and two letters of recommendation will be required on formal application to the UQ Graduate School.
Additional information about the graduate programs at the University of Queensland can be found at official website
For more information, please visit : official website