StuNed Short Courses Scholarships for Indonesian, Netherlands

StuNed Short Courses Scholarships for Indonesian, Netherlands
StuNed, Studeren in Nederland, is a scholarship programme focusing on mid-career professionals, as part of the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands. The scholarship programme aims to contribute to the development of Indonesia through strengthening the human resources of Indonesian organisations. Individual applicants may apply for master degree or short courses in the Netherlands, whilst institutions may apply through the StuNed Group Application.The StuNed programme is supporting the Dutch policy for development co-operation with Indonesia and aims to contribute to the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals in 2015. The framework for the bilateral relations between the Netherlands government with Indonesia is laid down in the Multi-Annual Policy Framework 2012-2015 which covers 5 prioritized sectors namely water management, food security, economic sector, judicial sector, and human rights. The overall objective is to strengthen bilateral relations institutional capacity in support of the above mentioned sectors goals.
Candidate’s profiles
The target group for the StuNed scholarships programme will be Indonesian mid-career professionals. Priority will be given to candidates from Indonesian partner organisations of the Dutch Embassy:
- Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Arts and Design, School of Architecture
- Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Department of Agri-Business
- Constitutional Court
- Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
- Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
- General Attorney Office
- House of Representatives (expert staff only Commission I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and X)
- Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (PPATK)
- Indonesian Heritage Trust (BPPI)
- Indonesian National Forces (TNI)
- Indonesian National Intelligence (BIN)
- Indonesian National Police (POLRI)
- Indonesian Palm Oil Commission (IPOC)
- Indonesian Press Council
- Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)
- Jakarta Art Institute, Faculty of Arts
- Judicial Commission (KY)
- Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG)
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
- Ministry of Defense
- Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Forestry
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Law and Human Rights: Dir General of Legislation, Dir. General of Immigration, Directorate for International Law, Directorate for Human Rights and Directorate for Correctional Services
- Ministry of Marine and Fishery
- Ministry of Education and Culture
- Ministry of Public Works
- Ministry of Religious Affairs
- Ministry of Trade
- Ministry of Transport
- National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM)
- National Archive (ANRI)
- National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (BAKOSURTANAL)
- National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT)
- National Development Planning Board (BAPPENAS)
- National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia (LEMHANNAS RI)
- Partnership for Governance Reform
- State Audit Board (BPK)
- State Secretariat
- Supreme Court (MA)
- University of Slamet Riyadi, Solo, Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP)
- University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Faculty of Archeology
Eligible courses
In general, all international training and degree courses offered by Dutch providers are eligible, as long as the chosen programme is in line with the priority areas as mentioned in the Multi-Annual Policy Framework 2012-2015. An overview of these courses can be found in
StuNed for Short Courses
Main requirements to apply:
- be an Indonesian national
- have earned a S1 or Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent at a recognized university in Indonesia; be able to provide evidence of the academic achievements (minimum GPA score 2.75)
- relevant work experience for at least two years
- have an academic or professional background that is related to the subject of the course;
- be full time available for the entire period of the study programme or course and be able to participate in and complete all courses
- have a high level of English proficiency, TOEFL IBT 68 or IELTS 5,5
- be admitted to one of the courses or programmes offered by Institutes of Higher Education in the Netherlands for the academic year 2012
- no age limit, but priority will be given to the mid-career professional
All short courses in with a duration of more than 6 weeks and less then 6 months with a clear relation to the objectives of the StuNed programme.
Deadline: 1 Oct 2012 (for courses starting between 1 Jan – 30 Jun 2013)
For more information, please visit official website