Master’s Studentship for UK/EU Applicants at University of Manchester

Master’s Studentship for UK/EU Applicants at University of Manchester

Studentships provide full support for tuition fees in addition to a tax-free minimum stipend of £13, 590.Applicants for the MRes seeking BBSRC support should submit a BBSRC studentships application (Word, 76 KB) alongside their online application for the MRes programme. Applicants are recommended to initially submit a formal application for the MRes online (online application) and then submit the application for BBSRC funding separately. BBSRC studentship applications will not be considered until a formal application for the MRes has been received.
These highly competitive BBSRC studentships are available to UK/EU* applicants who have been awarded or expect to be awarded a 1st or a 2i (or equivalent) Bachelors degree in a relevant subject. The studentships provide full support for tuition fees in addition to a tax-free minimum stipend of £13, 590.
Visit Official Website.