PhD Scholarship Position at Instituto de Telecomunicações

PhD Scholarship Position at Instituto de Telecomunicações

The research grant is associated to a yearly renewable contract, for a maximum duration of 3 years. The project work plan can be found at official website.
The research grants are available in accordance with the FCT regulations for advanced training and qualification of human resources, see at official website.
The candidates must fulfill the following conditions:
- Background on the relevant technical areas. Preference will be given to candidates that better understand video compression principles, stereo/multi-view processing and computer vision, including view synthesis and depth estimation
- Strong motivation for research work on the video compression and processing fields and for the publication of results in international conferences and peer reviewed journals
- Fluent in English and with good skills in technical writing and presenting
- Good programming skills (C/C++, Matlab, etc.) are required
Candidates that would like to pursue a PhD degree are strongly encouraged to apply.
Application Deadline : 2 February 2012
Visit Official Website.