Erasmus Mundus MSc Scholarships in Dependable Software Systems (DESEM), Europe

Erasmus Mundus MSc Scholarships in Dependable Software Systems (DESEM), Europe

Course Objective:
Our objective is to provide students with the knowledge, skill and in-depth technical understanding of the key concepts required to design and build dependable software systems. This will be achieved by bringing together the theory and practice of software development and, in particular, through the transfer of knowledge from the classroom via research driven and commercially relevant projects.
Degree Description:
The double-degree will be achieved over two years, through the allocation of 120ECTS. Students will study in two of the three partner universities, achieving a degree from each university in which they accomplish 60ECTS.
The degree awards are:
- Erasmus Mundus MSc in Rigorous Software Development (NUIM)
- Erasmus Mundus MSc in Software Engineering (UStA)
- Diplôme de Master (Mention Informatique) (UHP).
A student will achieve the double Erasmus Mundus MSc in Dependable Software Systems, through the award of two of the above degrees.
Admission Criteria:
The following criteria must be fulfilled by students applying for the Erasmus Mundus MSc in Dependable Software Systems:
- An honours degree in Computer Science or a related discipline with an average grade of 60% (equivalent to a B, II.1, or assez bien) or above. Extensive industrial experience may be considered as equivalent to academic qualification although such applicants will normally be subject to interview by the consortium.
- English-Language certificate (for non-native speakers of English only). Since the language of instruction is primarily English, students whose first language is not English must provide proof of a minimum knowledge of English such as an IELTS (>= 6.5) certificate or equivalent.
- French-Language certificate (for non-native speakers of French only, who are intending to study in France). Since the language of instruction in L’Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy is a mixture of French and English, students whose first language is not French must provide proof of a minimum knowledge of French such as Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (D.A.L.F.) certificate or equivalent. Students who opt to study in France in their second year will have the option of meeting this requirement through courses offered by the consortium during the first year of the course.
On application the student shall indicate their mobility preference. Students will spend one year in one university followed by one year in another university. Permitted mobility combinations are presented in Fig 2.1. All students shall be admitted to the Programme through the co-ordinating institution; the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. The Institution at which the students are resident at any one time shall be referred to as the ‘host’ institution. At any point in time, each student shall be associated with one host institution, which may or may not be the co-ordinating institution. Over the duration of the Programme, each student shall be associated with any two of the three Institutions.
Category A scholarships
- Contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs: € 4 000 for a one-year EMMCs; € 8 000 for courses longer than one year
- Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage): € 4 000 / semester
- Monthly allowance: € 1 000 / month
Category B scholarships
- Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage): € 2 000 / semester
- Monthly allowance: € 500 / month
- The number of monthly allowances is calculated from the start to the end of the course and includes, if applicable, the summer break between two academic years. The monthly allowance amounts may be increased in order to help cover the additional costs of students with special needs; EMMCs concerned will have to inform the Agency accordingly in the context of their annual student scholarship applications.
Scholar Scholarships:
Living allowance (including travel costs): € 1 200 / week for a minimum duration of 2 weeks and a maximum duration of 3 months per scholar
“Participation costs” must be understood as any compulsory administrative/operational cost related to the participation of the student in the EMMC (e.g. library, laboratory, tuition, social security and insurance costs, etc.). Any other costs that may be charged in addition (e.g. for participation in fieldwork activities), being compulsory or voluntary, must be communicated to the candidate student at application stage.
Student Candidates:
- Only candidates who have applied to and have been accepted by an EMMC consortium in accordance with its specific students’ application and selection criteria, are eligible for a scholarship.
- Students can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship to the Erasmus Mundus Action 1 joint programme (EMMC) of their choice but the number of applications must be limited to maximum three different joint programmes (EMMC and EMJD together).
- Each project may give rise to the award of only one EU grant to any student for the same joint course over the length of the course concerned.
- In order to make the programme more attractive for third-country nationals, the amount of the full-study scholarship will be higher for third-country masters students (Category A scholarships) than for European masters students (Category B scholarships). More specifically:
- Category A scholarships can be awarded to third-country masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from a country other than a European country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries (The five-year reference period for this 12-month rule is calculated backwards as from the submission deadline for Category A applications by the EM consortia to the Agency).
- Category B scholarships can be awarded to European masters students selected by EMMC consortia as well as to any masters students selected by EMMC consortia who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.
Students fulfilling the eligibility criteria for both Category A and B – e.g. students with a double nationality – must select the Category of their choice. As a result, they are entitled to apply only to one of the two categories of scholarship at a time.
- Scholarship candidates must have already obtained a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning according to national legislation and practices. Candidates who will only obtain their first higher education degree at the end of the academic year preceding the one concerned by the scholarship application can nevertheless apply for a scholarship and be selected by the consortium concerned, under the condition that they acquire the required degree prior to the beginning of the masters course edition concerned.
- Individuals who have already benefited from an EMMC scholarship are not eligible for a second scholarship in order to follow the same or another EMMC.
- Students benefiting from an EMMC scholarship cannot benefit from another EU grant while pursuing their Erasmus Mundus masters studies.
- EMMC students scholarships are awarded exclusively for a full-time enrolment in one of the course editions.
Scholar Candidates:
EMMC scholarships will be awarded to European and third-country scholars in accordance with the following criteria:
- Scholarships can be awarded to scholars enrolled in any third-country HEI who will be selected by the EMMC consortium to contribute to the joint programme within the European partner institutions;
- If the consortium includes third-country partners (either as full partners or associated partners), scholarships can be awarded to scholars enrolled in a European HEI acting as a full partner institution for the purpose of contributing to the joint programme within this(/these) third-country partner(s).
- EMMC scholars must demonstrate outstanding academic and/or professional experience and bring concrete added value to the delivery of the EMMC.
- Only candidates who have been accepted by an EMMC in accordance with its specific scholars’ selection criteria are eligible for a scholarship.
EMMC scholars holding an Erasmus Mundus scholarship must:
- Commit themselves to actively participate in the masters course activities;
- Spend a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of three months in the partner HEIs;
- Perform teaching/research/student tutoring activities:
- in the European partner HEIs (for scholars from third-country HEIs),
- in the third-country full or associated partner HEIs (for scholars from European partner HEIs);
- Bring concrete added value to the course and students (through teaching of specific classes, leading and participating in seminars or workshops, monitoring and tutoring student research/project activities, participating in thesis reviews, preparing new teaching modules, etc.);
- Contribute, after their visiting scholar activities, to the promotion and dissemination of the Erasmus Mundus Programme in general, and the EMMC concerned in particular, in their HEI and country of origin.
Basic criteria for selection of scholarship recipients:
Without prejudice to high academic standards, in order to ensure geographical diversity among students/scholars, EMMC consortia shall respect the following basic criteria when selecting students/scholars for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship:
– No more than two of the students selected for an EMMC scholarship should have the same nationality.
– The number of scholarships awarded to scholars from the same HEI should cover a maximum duration of 3 months (i.e. equivalent to 6 scholarships of 2 weeks).
– No scholar can be awarded a scholarship for more than 3 months (i.e. up to 6 scholarships of 2 weeks)
Third-Country Scholars on DESEM:
In order to support delivery of the programme, each Institution shall agree to select at least one external academic or incoming external doctoral student, as an ‘Erasmus Mundus’ Scholar. The Erasmus Mundus Scholars shall provide teaching and related assistance, as appropriate, to the delivery of the programme in at least one Institution that they visit during the course of their scholarship.
Scholars may also engage in teaching at the summer schools and assist in the evaluation of student project work, overall course evaluation and quality assurance. Each scholar will be offered the opportunity to visit other institutions and facilities such as office space will be made available.
Scholars will indicate their mobility preference upon application and will be matched to the institution(s) that are most appropriate to their academic and professional experience. This pairing will be done through consultation with the scholar applicant to ensure that an optimal mobility arrangement is reached.
How To Apply:
Online application only
How to Apply for Scholarships: Apply as above before January 31st 2012
Application Procedure
- Candidates apply online using the DESEM online application form ( using the course code MHG60
- There is an application fee of €45 which is paid directly to PAC. PAge 3 of the application form provides more details.
- Note that the application may be done in stages – the system will recall your previous data entry, and allow you to modify it
- All supporting documents MUST be either uploaded via the ‘Application Status’ from the online applications system (PAC) or posted to the Postgraduate Applications Centre, 1 Courthouse Square, Galway, Ireland. Required documentation can be scanned in and submitted to the PAC system (using “BROWSE” and “UPLOAD FILE”).
If you have enquiries on the application procedure, or on filling in the form, please email or phone +353-1-7083847
For more information, please visit official website.