Doctoral Student in Economics at Lund University

Doctoral Student in Economics at Lund University

The accepted candidate will get access to extensive research databases, such as longitudinal matched employer-establishment-firm databases for Sweden that are linked to firm-level Community of Innovation Surveys as well as patent and R&D data. These databases may be used for empirical research in the dissertation work.
An applicant has basic eligibility for third cycle studies if he or she:
1. has been awarded a second cycle degree,
2. has completed course requirements of at least 240 higher education credits, including at least 60 credits at second cycle level, or
3. has acquired the equivalent knowledge in some other way, either in Sweden or abroad (Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 7, Section 39)
An applicant is eligible to be admitted to the third cycle degree programme in Economics if he or she fulfils the basic eligibility requirements, and has documented qualifications worth at least 90 credits in Economics and independent projects (degree projects) worth at least 15 credits in Economics. The official plan of studies for a doctoral degree in Economics can be found at, official website