CRG / “la Caixa” International PhD Programme Fellowships, Spain

CRG / “la Caixa” International PhD Programme Fellowships, Spain
The “la Caixa” Foundation initiated in 2008 a fellowship programme to offer outstanding students from all over the world the chance of taking a PhD in Biomedicine at the CRG (Centre for Genomic Regulation) This year, 10 four-year fellowships are offered to do a PhD in Biomedicine at the CRG.
The “la Caixa” Foundation is a non-profitmaking organisation, which receives its funding from the third biggest financial entity in Spain, the Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona, “la Caixa”. In terms of budget and business volume, the “la Caixa” Foundation is among the ten most important Foundations in the world.
Since 1982, the “la Caixa” Foundation has run various fellowship programmes to enable Spanish students to study postgraduate courses in Spain and other countries. In these twenty-five years, thousands of students have been able to develop their studies thanks to a fellowship from the Foundation.
The “la Caixa” Foundation chose the CRG to initiate this programme because of the excellence of its research projects, the international nature of its scientific teams, the quality of its technological equipment, the inter-disciplinary nature of its projects and the abundance of its articles published in top-ranking scientific journals and media.
The CRG is an international biomedical research institute of excellence, created at the initiative of the Catalan Government, with the participation of the Pompeu Fabra University, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Its mission is to discover and advance knowledge for the benefit of society, public health and economic prosperity. The CRG is located at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). Research at the CRG is centered around six scientific programmes, with extensive interdisciplinary collaborations across the following areas:
- Bioinformatics and Genomics
- Gene Regulation
- Cell and Developmental Biology
- Differentiation and Cancer
- Genes and Disease
- Systems Biology
Eligibility criteria
- Candidates can be of any nationality.
- Candidates should hold a university degree by September 2012, and should have a strong commitment for scientific research and an excellent academic record.
- Applicants working at CRG for more than 3 months before the deadline will not be considered eligible.
If you have any queries about your eligibility to apply, please contact before submitting an application.
“la Caixa” fellows are supported for a period of 4 years
Training and benefits
“la Caixa” fellows will benefit from the CRG Research and Training Programme, which includes:
- International scientific environment. CRG is located in Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), a cluster for biomedical research in southern Europe, which includes several other biomedical research institutions and more than 1000 researchers
- Advanced research training (training-through research, specific scientific and technology courses and a variety of CRG seminars and CRG/PRBB conferences with international invited speakers)
- Career development activities (INTERVALS Programme offered to PRBB residents)
- Cutting- edge advanced core facilities
- Other initiatives and activities organised by the PRBB and CRG
- Student community activities (Annual Retreat & Annual Symposium)
- Internationally competitive salary
Selection process
The selection of the fellows will be based on the candidates’ academic qualifications and research excellence.
- Pre-selection: The pre-selection will be based on the candidate’s CV, reference letters and on the research interests. Complete applications will be reviewed within a month after the deadline.
- Oral interviews: Short-listed candidates will receive invitations to visit the CRG for a 3 day period of interviews that will take place 9-14 weeks after the application deadline.
- Fellowship offers: Offers will be made to the successful candidates shortly after the interview period. Selected students will have two weeks to accept the position and should start their fellowships no later than September 1st.
Groups recruiting in this call
For this call, the CRG group leaders who have expressed interest in recruiting a student are:
- Bioinfomatics and Genomics Programme: Roderic Guigo, Cédric Notredame, Toni Gabaldón
- Cell and Developmental Biology Programme: Manuel Mendoza, Isabelle Vernos
- Differentiation and Cancer Programme: Salvador Aznar, Maria Pia Cosma
- Gene Regulation Programme: Juan Valcárcel, Guillaume Filion
- Genes and Disease Programme:Stephan Ossowski, Xavier Estivill
- Systems Biology Programme: Matthieu Louis,Ben Lehner
Call Calendar
- Call opening: November 2011
- Call deadline: 13th February 2012
- Pre-selection of candidates: mid. March 2012
- Oral interviews: 16-19 April 2012
- Notification to candidates: May 2012 (approx.)
- Start date of fellowships: September 2012 (approx.)
For more information, please visit official website.