PhD Scholarship on Novel Diagnostic Methods and Devices for Personalised Treatment of Cancer at Technical University of Denmark

PhD Scholarship on Novel Diagnostic Methods and Devices for Personalised Treatment of Cancer at Technical University of Denmark

The project EngCaBra is an interdisciplinary collaboration between universities and companies in different countries in Europe. EngCaBra`s goal is the realisation of novel methods and devices for analysis of cellular and molecular mechanisms related to cancer and brain diseases.
The successful candidate will work on testing, functionalisation and integrating the sensor systems into a fully automated microfluidic point of care system. The novel Nanosensors are based on silicon nanowires. Challenges on the automation and integration to a final point of care system have to be overcome.
Candidates must have (or soon to obtain) a master`s degree in engineering, chemistry, physics or biology or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to a master`s degree. The suitable candidate should show an interest in biomedical applications of integrated systems and have good teamwork skills. Expertise within microfluidics is a must, also one or more of the following areas would be attractive.
- Electrochemistry / Biochemistry
- Surface modification
- Lab on a chip integration, automation, optimisation and testing.
- Experience with microfluidics and point of care devices
- Experience with simulation and analysis of microfluidic systems
- Experience with project- and team work in an international environment Open independent working style and good communication skills
According to the rules of the Marie Curie program the applicant must be nationals of a State other than that of the host organisation. At the start of their fellowship/activity, researchers may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference deadline for eligibility. Short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
Approval and Enrolment
The PhD scholarship is subject to academic approval and the candidate will be enrol led in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.
Salary and appoint ment terms
The salary and appoint ment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD students at DTU. The period of employment is 3 years.
Additional information
Additional information may be obtained from Associate Professor Winnie Svendsen, phone (+45) 4525 5731, e-mail: and at official website.
We must have your online application by 17 November 2011 at the latest. Please open the link“apply for this job online”, fill in the application form and attach all the following documents:
- Curriculum vitae including a list of publications (guidelines)
- A letter motivating the application (guidelines)
- Grade transcripts and BSc/MSc diploma
- Conversion of grade averages to Danish grades (excel spreadsheet for the conversion)
DTU needs diver sity and supports equal opportunities irrespective of gender, age, and ethnic background.
DTU Nanotech – the Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology – is situated in the northern part of Copenhagen. DTU Nanotech is a centre of excellence in micro- and nanotechnology exploiting sciences across the traditional boundaries of technology, thereby enabling innovative solutions for the benefit of society. DTU Nanotech has approx. 200 people on its staff. With 40 % non-Danes, the department constitutes an international environment.
Apply online here!