Imam Bukhari & Imam Tirmizi Visiting Research Fellowships, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, UK

Imam Bukhari & Imam Tirmizi Visiting Research Fellowships, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, UK

The Fellowships will be tenable from 1 October 2012 for a minimum period of three months. These Fellowships are intended to encourage interaction among academics from various traditions of learning. The Imam Bukhari and Imam Tirmizi Research Fellows will be expected to devote their time to research and writing and to participate in the Centre’s academic activities.
Application Procedure
Applications should include a curriculum vitae and a brief statement of proposed research. Two letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the Centre.
Application forms are available for download (click here) or can be obtained from:
The Academic Office,
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies,
George Street, Oxford,
OX1 2AR, UK.
Tel: 00 44 1865 278730; Fax: 00 44 1865 248942;
The closing date for applications is Friday 9th December 2011.