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2012 TWAS-UNICAL Fellowship for Master’s Students


Jika anda yang sedang mencari informasi 2012 TWAS-UNICAL Fellowship for Master’s Students, maka Beasiswa D3 S1 S2 akan menyampaikan tentang 2012 TWAS-UNICAL Fellowship for Master’s Students seperti dibawah ini:

2012 TWAS-UNICAL Fellowship for Master’s Students

The University of Calabria (UNICAL), Italy, and TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world, offer fellowships to students from Haiti who wish to obtain an MSc degree in the areas of pharmacology/nutrition. Duration: 2 years, extendable for 1 additional year.

Applicants for these Fellowships must meet the following criteria: be a maximum age of 40 years on 31 December of the application year; be nationals of a developing country (other than China); hold a PhD degree in a field of the natural sciences; be accepted at a CAS-listed institution participating in the scheme and provide an official acceptance letter from the host institution (see sample Acceptance Letter, page 6) to this effect; and provide evidence of proficiency in English or Chinese.

Study Subject(s): Pharmacology/nutrition
Course Level: Master’s
Scholarship Provider: TWAS-UNICAL
Scholarship can be taken at: China
Scholarship Application Deadline: The call for applications for the TWAS-UNICAL Fellowships is open from 15 October 2011 to 31 January 2012.

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