2012 TWAS-UNICAL Fellowship for Master’s Students

2012 TWAS-UNICAL Fellowship for Master’s Students

Applicants for these Fellowships must meet the following criteria: be a maximum age of 40 years on 31 December of the application year; be nationals of a developing country (other than China); hold a PhD degree in a field of the natural sciences; be accepted at a CAS-listed institution participating in the scheme and provide an official acceptance letter from the host institution (see sample Acceptance Letter, page 6) to this effect; and provide evidence of proficiency in English or Chinese.
Study Subject(s): Pharmacology/nutrition
Course Level: Master’s
Scholarship Provider: TWAS-UNICAL
Scholarship can be taken at: China
Scholarship Application Deadline: The call for applications for the TWAS-UNICAL Fellowships is open from 15 October 2011 to 31 January 2012.
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