Erasmus Mundus Master for Laboratory Accreditation-Quality in Analytical Laboratories

Erasmus Mundus Master for Laboratory Accreditation-Quality in Analytical Laboratories

The master is offered by a Consortium of five European universities and one Chinese university:
- University of Algarve (Portugal, PT)
- University of Barcelona (Spain, ES)
- University of Bergen (Norway, NO)
- University of Cadiz (Spain, ES)
- Gdask University of Technology (Poland, PL)
- Central South University (China, CN)
Applicants are divided into two categories: Category A and Category B. – Category A applicants come from a Third Country and were not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in an European Country. Third Country means a country that is not a European Country”. More concretely, the Erasmus Mundus programme distinguishes three different groups of countries:
a) The Members states of the European Uni0n;
b) Other countries or potential candidates possibly on the same footing as Member States (this category includes Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey and Switzerland); these countries are considered as third countries unless there is an establishment of the participation of the country concerned in the EM programme
c) Third countries.
– Category B applicants do not fulfill the Category A criteria defined above.
The European Commission provides a limited number of grants (ERASMUS MUNDUS studentships) for selected Category A and Category B students.
A Category A EM studentship for EMQAL totals 38000€ and covers:
- payment of the tuition fees for the whole EMQAL course (12000€)
- travel expenses (2000 €)
- A monthly allowance of 1333.33 € /month, for 18 months.
- payment of the tuition fees for the whole EMQAL course (6000€)
- A monthly allowance of 500€/month, for 18 months.
- Strong Academic Background in appropriate disciplines- this means candidates must hold a high education diploma issued by a competent High Education authority attesting the completion of a degree equivalent to a 1st cycle (180 ECTS), in a field where analytical laboratories play an important role. This may be a degree in Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biochemistry, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering, Clinical Analysis, Medicine, etc.
- Demonstrated command of the English language- this means the candidate must prove he/she can understand, speak and write English proficiently enough to take the majority of modules, which are taught in English. (TOEFL scores paper 575 / computer 232, Internet based TOEFL (TOEFL iBT™ ) total score 94, International English Language Testing System, IELTS scores 6.5, etc.)
- Adequate financial resources
How to apply?
The application is made online, and is the same for European and Non-European candidates. Please register at this website. You will then be sent an email with instructions on how to complete the online application form.
After completing your online application you are required to send the the following documents:
- A completed and signed copy of your printed application;
- A copy of your motivation and your personal statements;
- A completed and signed copy of the Declaration for Applicants (see below)
- An identification document (passport or identification card);
- Diplomas or certificates of your academic degrees, including a list of all disciplines in your degree (also provide a translation to English if the language is other than English or a language of the consortium: Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian or Polish);
- Any diplomas or certificates that may help you in the selection procedures (for example English proficiency tests)
Postgraduate Admissions Officer
Secretaria dos Mestrados
FCT-Gambelas Campus
University of Algarve
8005-139 Faro
The Official Website