Post-Doctoral Researcher in “Macroeconomics and Labor Markets” at University of Zurich

Post-Doctoral Researcher in “Macroeconomics and Labor Markets” at University of Zurich

- Labor economics (empirical)
- International trade
- Growth/development
Have completed or be about to complete a Ph.D. in Economics, and have a strong research interest in labor/trade/growth/development – applied theory and/or empirical.
To apply, email a cover letter with a statement of your research agenda, CV, at least two references, two recent research papers, and academic transcripts to (all documents in pdf format).
A very competitive remuneration package with generous funding of research related activities (conference visits, data etc.) is offered.
Katrin Koller
Office: MUB-F303
Phone: +41 (0)44 634 37 16
Fax: +41 (0)44 634 51 55
EMail: katrin.koller@econ.uzh.chs
Official Webpage