PhD position in Computer Science, University of Jena, Germany

PhD position in Computer Science, University of Jena, Germany

The work will focus on the integrated management of heterogeneous user related information derived from different (personal) devices with the help of a portal. .
The research group has broad experience within the area of Web Portal technology, semantic description of resources and context-adaptability.
The PhD research will be performed under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Birgitta König-Ries and Prof. Dr. Martin Welsch in cooperation with the IBM Germany Research & Development Laboratories at Böblingen, Germany.
The aim of the project is to perform research and develop prototypes that use Web Portals to provide an integrated, user centric management of heterogeneous devices and the event and data oriented information they can provide and the services they can offer.
We are looking for a candidate who meets the following requirements:
- An excellent Masters or equivalent degree in Computer Science or a closely related field
- Experience within the fields of context modeling, user modeling, semantic web, mobile application development and/or Web Portal technology are of advantage
- Very good programming and software engineering skills
- Very good communicative skills in English, both in speaking and in writing
- Very good teaming and communication skills, as this project will be executed as a joint venture between the IBM R&D Lab in Boeblingen and the University of Jena
- Skills in German are of advantage
To apply:
Interested candidates are requested to send their application referring to offer no 49-2011 by the end of May 2011 preferably via Email (including all relevant documents into one reasonably sized PDF-file) to:
Prof. Dr. Birgitta König-Ries
Institut für Informatik
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-4
Raum 3311
07743 Jena
Birgitta.Koenig-Ries [at]
The application should consist of:
A motivation letter, your Curriculum Vitae, copies of your diplomas together with the lists of grades, and other relevant certificates and proof of English language skills (if applicable).
Letters of recommendation are a plus, too.
source: Visit Official Website.