Scholarship Opportunity for Students from Developing Countries to Study in Italy

Scholarship Opportunity for Students from Developing Countries to Study in Italy

Eligibility Criteria
The scholarships are designed for students coming from a Developing Country (preferably from Countries classified as Low-income economies and Lower-middle-income economies by the World Bank; see Official Website. and for Developing Countries students who received a scholarship financed through the FC&K for the academic year 2010-2011 (in this case, expenses for VISA and for travel will not be covered). Only students born on/after the 1st January 1976 can participate. At the end of the academic year, the University of Pavia will issue an academic transcript of records certificating the kind and the period of study.
Interested candidates must submit the application (available on the website of UNIV Official Website.) which has to include:
- a complete application form with all the requested personal and academic data, the exact name of the selected course degree and of the Faculty at the University of Pavia or at IUSS;
- a curriculum vitae (European format: available on this Web page);
- a programme of studies and/or research activities which the candidate intends to implement during his/her stay in Pavia (point 8 of the Application Form);
- a recent letter of reference signed by a university professor;
- a recent health certificate attesting that the applicant is not suffering from physical or mental illnesses;
- a photocopy of a valid passport of the applicant.
Applications must arrive both by mail and by e-mail (just one PFD file by email) by 12.00 pm of the 30 May 2011 and must be addressed to the following addresses:
- postal address:
Al Magnifico Rettore
Università degli Studi di Pavia - Ufficio del Protocollo,
Via Mentana 4, 27100 Pavia (Italy) - email address (only one PDF file must be sent):
Evaluation and Selection
Scholarships will be awarded by the Commission that manages the Fund for Cooperation and Knowledge. The decision of the Commission will be final and will be transmitted only to successful applicants.
Terms and Conditions
The scholarships will be awarded according to the following modalities:
- Successful candidates will have to confirm their acceptance of the scholarship and of its conditions within the within the time limit set in the letter communicating the awarding of the scholarship. If a candidate fails to confirm his/her acceptance, the scholarship will be awarded to the following candidate in rank;
- Once received the declaration of acceptance of the scholarship, the University of Pavia will:
- send a prepaid travel ticket to Italy and provide for the travel expenses back to the developing country. Visa requirements will be care of the candidate, and will be reimbursed upon presentation of appropriate receipts;
- provide the candidate with the scholarship according to the final decision of the Commission: monthly instalments of 1.000 Euros each (the number of instalments assigned to each successful candidate will be decided by the Commission);
- arrange an accommodation in one of the University Residences of Pavia (lodging expenses will have to be paid by the candidate; if the candidate does not accept the proposed lodging, s/he will have to find another one by him/herself);
- provide a card for meals at University canteens (the candidate will get the student discount for the meals, which will be at his/her expense);
- guarantee all the facilities required during the period of residence - libraries, computer facilities, etc., including all the services of the Faculty which the student is associated with;
- help the candidate to settle through the services offered for free by the Welcome Point of the University of Pavia, which will provide also the information about applying for a student residence permit.
- Insurances will be direct care of the selected candidates. In particular, health insurance might be bought by the candidate before leaving the country of origin, being this usually mandatory while applying for the Visa.
For any further information request, please contact Mr. Andrea Pichelli of the International Relations Office of the University of Pavia: .
University of Pavia
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE Strada Nuova 65 - 27100 Pavia (Italy)
Visit Official Website.