PhD Student Position on Effects of Nanoparticles on Beneficial Soil Microbes and Crops

PhD Student Position on Effects of Nanoparticles on Beneficial Soil Microbes and Crops

Requirements / Conditions
We seek an enthusiastic PhD student with a Masters in biology, ecology, microbiology or agronomy. Further advantages are experience in laboratory and/or greenhouse work, use of molecular biology tools and a back-ground in ecotoxicology. The student should express a sincere interest in nanotechnology, plant-microbe inte-ractions, molecular ecology, soil science and agro-ecological research. Scientific work will be performed in a team consisting of experts from various disciplines. Excellent knowledge in spoken/written English and know-ledge of German are required.
The duration of contract is 3 years. The working place will be at Agroscope ART research station Reckenholz at Zurich-Affoltern, Switzerland. The salary is according to the guidelines of the SNF Swiss National Science Foundation. Start of work will be May 2011 or as soon as possible.
Please send your application containing a complete academic record, CV, certificates and a short description of research interests to:
Forschungsanstalt Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon ART, Fachgruppe Personal, Thomas Zehnder, Kennwort “NANOMICROPS PhD“, Reckenholzstrasse 191, CH-8046 Zürich,
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Marcel van der Heijden, Head of Ecological Farming System Group, phone +41 44 377 72 78,
Application Deadline : 28 April 2011