18 PhD positions in RELATE Project

18 PhD positions in RELATE Project

The FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) "RELATE" provides an opportunity for young researchers to study the latest technologies, platforms and tools in the area of engineering and provisioning of service-based Cloud applications. The ITN consists of seven leading European research institutes and five associated partners. The ITN will organize regular workshops and summer schools, so that the trained Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) - PhD candidates, and Experienced Researchers (ERs) - PostDocs, can exchange research experience, insights and ideas.
A total of 21 fellows, 18 ESR fellows who will register for PhD degrees and three ER fellows, will be recruited. Through an integrative and multidisciplinary research approach, RELATE will promote the advancement of the state-of-the-art in the related areas of model-drivenengineering and formal methods, service-based mash-ups and application integration, dependability, performance and trust in service-based cloud applications, as well as quality management and business model innovation.
We are seeking to recruit Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and Experienced Researchers (ERs) under employment contracts with full social security coverage, with living allowance and maximum duration of employment 3 years for ESRs and 2 years for ERs. In accordance with EU gender policy, the candidacy of women is strongly encouraged.
Detailed information on the specific OPEN POSITIONS available can be found at: Official Website .
All recruited researchers are Marie Curie fellows and will profit from all Marie Curie benefits, including travel, living, mobility and career exploratory allowances. We offer a unique, integrative research environment where world-leading scientists will integrate accepted applicants into their research teams. Beyond technical training in key areas, personal development and research management training will be made available.
Relevant Background
Relevant backgrounds include software architecture, service-oriented systems, web services, service mash-ups, model-driven software development, software quality prediction, programming in Java and Eclipse. The ideal candidate combines skills from several of these disciplines.
Applications (in English) should be submitted through the online application form at Official Website .
There will be two recruitment rounds. For fellows starting in September or before (13 fellows), the application deadline is End of May. For fellows starting after September (8 fellows), the application deadline is End of August.
Applications from women are strongly encouraged.
Official Website .
For further questions, please send an enquiry to applications@relate-itn.eu.
Project Poster:
Official Website .
Official Website.
Eligibility Criteria:
Official Website.
Official Website.
Funding Scheme:
Official Website.
EU guidelines for becoming a Marie Curie fellow:
Official Website.