PhD Scholarships in Enterprise Risk Management

PhD Scholarships in Enterprise Risk Management

PhD students and Post Doc Researcher participate in high level research work at VTT on selected strategically relevant topics within a collaborative project environment. PhD work is done for four consecutive years under professional scientific supervision by highly experienced and competent senior researchers with PhD degrees. The PhD thesis should be finalized within the four-year period and fulfill high level scientific standards. The employment of Post Doc Researchers is for two years. The open positions are related to applied materials, services and the built environment, industrial system management, bio and chemical processes, energy, information and communication technologies, and microtechnologies and electronics.
PhD Student – Enterprise Risk Management
Our risk and reliability research has a strong background and knowledge basis in the risk management of technological systems in industry. The current research aims at more comprehensive approaches by developing methods and models to handle business risks in different phases of the innovation process and enterprise networks. The understanding on risk, reliability, safety and security issues and their management also builds up capability to support companies in developing new service business related to safety and security.
The task is to develop methods and models for total comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). The more detailed research focus can be in supporting business continuity management, in modeling of the effects of safety and security measures, or in security business development
Success in this position requires a background in risk and reliability management, or in safety and security management. An important expertise area is to understand industrial management, industrial systems and enterprise networks.
Further expectations:
• a solid academic background with an MSc in relevant fields
• scientific ambition, motivation and strong interest in cutting-edge research
• team working skills in an international working environment
• inventiveness and initiative personality
• good analytical and problem solving skills
• excellent English language skills.
We Offer
For PhD Students
• an opportunity to contribute to the strategic capabilities of a world-class research organization
• outstanding PhD supervision by top research scientists of your field
• excellent prospects for personal development
• an innovative work community for aspiring researchers
• a work contract for 1 + 3 years
• assistance with housing and other relocation issues
For further information, please contact Research Professor Veikko Rouhiainen,, tel. +358 20 722 3262
For conditions of employment (incl. relocaton service issues) , please contact Merja Grönberg, or Marja-Liisa Virtanen,
Application Deadline : 20 March 2011
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