PhD Scholarships in Accounting and Finance, University of Edinburgh Business School, UK

PhD Scholarships in Accounting and Finance, University of Edinburgh Business School, UK

- Accounting history
- Accounting and consumer society
- Banking
- Corporate finance
- Behavioural finance
- Econometrics of financial markets
- Healthcare and social care accounting and accountability
- Institutional setting for IPO markets and underpricing of IPOs
- Market based accounting research
- Public sector accounting
- Financial accounting
- Management accounting
Applicants will have:
- Outstanding ideas for research at doctoral level
- Possession of a high quality undergraduate and/or masters degree or equivalent qualification
- For applicants whose native language is not English, an IELTS score of at least 7.0, or equivalent
This scholarship scheme provides a valuable opportunity for successful applicants to undertake a package of career development opportunities over the duration of the award. Recipients will be expected to contribute to our teaching and research programmes. Potential tasks include tutoring, group facilitation, marking and conference organization etc.
The award will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress, at the following rates:
- European Union candidates: standard EU tuition fee plus maintenance fee of £14,000 in 2011-12, £14,500 in 2012-13, and £15,000 in 2013-14
- Non-European Union candidates: standard EU tuition fee plus maintenance fees as above.
Application procedure
To apply for this scheme, please apply online using the University’s EUCLID application system
In addition to the application form you should supply:
- A letter explaining:
- your reasons for applying
- why you are the ideal person to receive a scholarship
- A research proposal
- CV
- Details of two referees
Applications should be made by Tuesday 31 May 2011. Shortlisted candidates should expect to participate in an interview either in person, by telephone or via Skype. Recipients of the scholarships will be announced by 8 July 2011.