PhD Scholarships at Aalesund University College

PhD Scholarships at Aalesund University College

The cluster comprises around 200 companies and has a turnover of more than 50 billion NOK. Rolls-Royce Marine, STX-OSV and Ulstein are among the major players. AAUC offers Bachelor and Master programs in Ship Design and Product and System Design. The cluster has been awarded the national status of Norwegian Centre of Expertise for the maritime industry – NCE Maritime.
PhD Candidates
The maritime offshore cluster operates globally and is highly innovative and adaptive. Every new ship is more or less a prototype designed for unique advanced operations. Environmental demands, subsea operations at several thousand meters depth, rough climate challenges and the installation of wind turbines are examples of operations that continuously demands new solutions. The close cooperation between Aalesund University College (AAUC), the companies in the region and NTNU/MARINTEK in Trondheim, provide the access to innovative and challenging laboratory facilities, where main focus is on applied research activities. In this academic and industrial environment you will find numerous interesting and challenging research objectives.
Aalesund University College can offer PhD Candidate positions in the following fields:
• Environmental friendly (green) shipping (11-05ITN)
Existing propulsion machinery must be optimized and new novel systems must be developed to meet future requirements. The main objective of this research is to adapt advanced energy and environmental technology from other fields, to be applied onboard maritime installations.
• Machinery systems – modeling, simulation and optimization (11-10ITN)
Machinery systems onboard advanced off-shore vessels have become more and more complex and integrated, increasing the need for tools and methods to analyze and optimize. The main objective of this research is to develop knowledge, methods and tools for effective modeling and analysis.
• Human factors – man/machine interactions (11-09ITN)
As machines get more complex, operations more demanding, and need for risk reduction, we need to study and develop better and safer man/machine interaction. The main objective of this research is to develop knowledge and methods to be used in effective design of operator interfaces such as ship bridge design.
• Ship behavior under real operational loads and conditions (11-08ITN)
Ship behavior under normal conditions, are well studied. However, the interaction between vessel and external factors such as sub-sea equipment under demanding operations requires new research approach. The main objective of this research is to develop knowledge and methods to analyze ship behavior including external loads and conditions.
• Remote control and monitoring of maritime operations (11-07ITN)
The cost and availability of cheap and advanced instrumentation, microprocessors and data transfer solutions has opened for new possibilities for remote monitoring and control of systems in operation.
The main objective of this research is to develop knowledge and methods to design effective remote operated condition monitoring systems including intelligent analysis for effective evaluation, and how to apply this technology to make extended laboratory facilities.
• Complex marine operations management (11-06ITN)
Ships and machines for demanding marine operations are getting more and more complex. Integrated control systems and interacting crews challenges safety. Planning and executing high risk operations challenge a safe and effective management. The objective of this research is to develop knowledge and methods for effective and safe management of complex high risk operations off-shore. All these research fields are linked together in the overall research programs at AAUC, and will be part of a research team. The research may be both theoretical and experimental, and in close cooperation with local
industry partners, NTNU/MARINTEK in Trondheim, and relevant international universities/research centers. The common goal for the vacant positions is to build up research activity over a period of 5 years. The PhD candidates will be part of the Research Centre for Marine Operations in Virtual Environment (MOVE) at AAUC.
Master degree or similar in:
• Mechanical engineering
• Marine technology / naval architecture / ocean engineering
• Cybernetics / control engineering / electronic engineering
• Nautical science
• Industrial design
Terms and conditions:
Each PhD candidate will be offered individual terms, related to background and competence. The normal period
of appointment is 4 years with integrated teaching assistance of master and bachelor students.
For more information please contact:
Hans Petter Hildre, , +47 95993659
Vilmar Æsøy, , +47 91847089
Karl Henning Halse, , +47 95227613
For more information also visit:
AAUC home page: Official Website.
MOVE: Official Website.
NCE‐Maritime: Official Website.
Application Deadline : 30 April 2011
Visit Official Website.