PhD or Postdoctoral Research Position in the Area of Machine Learning-Neural Networks-Robot Control

PhD or Postdoctoral Research Position in the Area of Machine Learning-Neural Networks-Robot Control

is open in the MINDS research group. The position is created within the integrated project Adaptive Modular Architecture for Rich Motor Skills (AMARSi), funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Program Cognitive Systems, Interaction, Robotics. The consortium comprises ten European research groups from robotics, machine learning, computational neuroscience and behavioral neuroscience, providing a rich context for interdisciplinary research.
The AMARSi project investigates complex modular neurocontroller architectures for quadruped and humanoid robots, and strives to unite methods from robot engineering with insights from biological motor control. In the MINDS group, the emphasis is on the design and mathematical analysis of hierarchical motor control learning architectures based on recurrent neural networks in the spirit of reservoir computing ( Official Website.).
The following set of qualifications will be used for assessing the suitability of applications:
- a PhD or Master degree or equivalent diploma in machine learning, control engineering, computational neuroscience, mathematics, theoretical physics, signal processing, or similar fields (mandatory);
- a strong mathematical background (mandatory), especially in dynamical systems (highly desired), and signals and systems (desired),
- experience in machine learning, control, recurrent neural networks (highly desired),
- experience in intelligent agents design (desired),
- a very good command of English (mandatory),
- openness to interdisciplinary work and endless curiosity (mandatory).
Details about the positions and the AMARSi project can be requested from Herbert Jaeger.
Jacobs University Bremen is an equal opportunity employer and has been certified “Family Friendly” by the Hertie-Stiftung.
Please send in electronic format a letter of application, CV, copies of academic certificates, and possibly samples of published work to Herbert Jaeger (h.jaeger „at“, who also invites further inquiries. Applicants passing an initial screening will be requested to supply two letters of reference.
Application Deadline : 30 April 2011
Visit Official Website.