PhD in Production Engineering, within the field of Evolvable Production Systems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

PhD in Production Engineering, within the field of Evolvable Production Systems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

The School of Industrial Engineering and Management cover engineering, technological and economic knowledge necessary to be able to develop new products, material and production processes in a sustainable fashion as concerns technical management, financial profitability and the environment. One precondition for innovation and enterprise is the study and application of basic physical and chemical phenomena as well as the integration of new, often multidisciplinary technologies, methods and tools.
Core knowledge areas include energy technology, industrial design and innovation, product and production development, materials development, micro and nano technology as well as industrial economics, organization and management.
The Department of Production Engineering conducts research and teaching within eight productions related areas. These areas are inter disciplinary and are distinguished by a strong imprint of modernity. Key areas of the department cover adapting of construction for production, evolvable production/assembly systems, computer systems for design and manufacturing, preparation and planning of manufacture, modeling of products and processes, simulation, work shop lay out and organization, internal logistics, machinery, handling equipment, control technology, industrial metrology, quality, manufacturing engineering processes.
Work Requirements
The work will follow standard PhD criteria, which encompass about 20% institutional work (lecturing, tutoring) and 80% research. A PhD program will have to be selected and followed in order to acquire the required credits. The research work will be carried out primarily within European Commission projects, thus requiring sound knowledge of English and, if possible, Portuguese. The latter is seen as essential as our main partners are from Portugal and a continuous exchange is the norm. Travel is required, both within and beyond Europe.
Completed MSC studies at an internationally renowned university.
The applicant needs to be an expert in Computer Science, with specific knowledge of multi-agent systems. Java, Jade, Protégé, and Enterprise Architect knowledge is essential. The applicant should have some work experience in the programming of multi-agent systems, with particular emphasis on diagnostics. Languages required are English and, if possible, Portuguese (the project in question is strongly linked to Universidade Nova de Lisboa).
Some knowledge of assembly and production machines and their control systems is deemed as important. Note that the applicant will have to work within an existing group, which will pose particular emphasis on the personal characteristics of the applicant.
Employment form: Time-limited
Start: Immediate.
With a full CV, personal letter and copies of university and high school diplomas/certificates. These are to be sent, via email, to:
Deadline: March, 6th 2011
Employer`s reference number: M-2011-0078
Reference number shall be stated in your application.
Further information on the School may be found at , whilst details of the Department at Official Website.
Professor Mauro Onori
Tel: +46-70-7976637
Karin Kroon, Personalansvarig ITM
Tel: 08-790 79 83