Queen Mary University of London Studentships in Law

Queen Mary University of London Studentships in Law

The Department of Law is particularly keen to support studentship applications in the following areas:
- Criminal Law & Criminal Justice
- Public Law
- Equality, Diversity and the Law (joint studentship with the Queen Mary Centre for Equality and Diversity).
This specific Studentship is for candidates wishing to develop a PhD of their own devising relating to the overlapping interests of the Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity (CRED) at the School of Business and Management, and the School of Law, which include new developments in equality and diversity legislation, law enforcement, and organisational policy-making, and how they impact on a plethora of organisation stakeholders, including line-management, non-management employees, equality activists, diversity managers, and trade uni0ns; equality and diversity in the legal profession. Read more about the Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity.
The Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) is particularly keen to support studentship applications in the following areas:
- Creative Media & Commercial Law - a joint award offered with the School of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science (EECS). Research should focus on the legal implications of collaborative work in creative media, such as free sharing, open source and user generated content (UGC)
- Risk Assessment & Decision Analysis in the Legal Context – a Joint award offered with the School of EECS. Research should focus on the potential application of models of uncertainty or risk assessment and decision analysis in the legal context, including the areas of dispute resolution, finance and banking, intellectual property, tax and information technology law. Read more about the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science.
About the award
- The award is for full time postgraduate PhD research students only;
- The award will cover all tuition fees whether at the Home/EU rate or the overseas rate. It is therefore open to both UK and overseas applicants.
- Only applicants who have completed the online application process to the PhD programme prior to the funding submission deadline will be considered for funding. Find out how to apply for the PhD programme.
- Applicants should be aware that the School of Law PhD programme has various entrance requirements which applicants are expected to meet, including, for example, academic performance requirements relating to previously taken taught postgraduate degrees in a law or law-related subject. For applicants applying for a studentship jointly provided by another School within the University, a postgraduate degree in a topic relating to the specific subject area outlined for the award is required.
- In addition, an award of at least £15,590 per year (reviewed annually) will be paid to the recipient on a monthly basis throughout the calendar year starting from September 2011.
- The award is renewable over three years of study while in full time enrolment, subject to satisfactory annual progress reports;
- At the end of the three years, research students sometimes need further time to complete their research and thesis. This is known as ‘writing up’ time. Students only move to writing up when their supervisor confirms that the student has submitted a satisfactory first full draft of the entire thesis for the supervisor’s review and the Director of Graduate Studies is satisfied that the student can complete within the year. The writing-up period does not attract full tuition fees, although a reduced writing up fee may be payable. A student in writing up is responsible for his/her own living costs as well as for any writing up fee;
- The award is for new applicants looking to enrol at the beginning of the coming academic year, in September 2011 (or, in exceptional circumstances, the following January 2012 – for example, for current UK LLM students who will only graduate in November 2011). Therefore, existing PhD students who have already enrolled prior to September are not eligible to apply for the award.
- Successful recipients of this award may be required to undertake teaching and/or support duties within the School of Law (or the other School in the University involved, if it is a joint award) ;
- The studentships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need. The application process for these awards is highly competitive.
- The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the body that awards the Studentships in the last instance, requires applicants to submit a 750-1000 word summary of their Research Proposal along with their funding application.
This summary must address the following questions:
- What is the subject of your proposed doctoral dissertation? (500 words maximum). Please include a brief title
- Why is Queen Mary the right place for you to undertake this research?
- What ethical issues – if any – are relevant to your research?
- What research training and professional preparation have you already received?
- What further training and professional preparation will you need to complete the doctorate and being your career?
- The decision on award allocation will then be made no later than the end of April 2011
- If you have any queries relating to the funding application process, e-mail Mr Gareth Skehan, School of Law PhD Admissions Administrator on g.skehan@qmul.ac.uk
The deadline for Studentship applications to the School of Law is Monday 21st February 2011.
You must have completed both the main PhD application process, including the submission of all required supporting documentation, along with your studentship application form by this date.
Following the deadline, we will shortlist a small number of applicants, who will then be interviewed during late February/early March. Following this, a final decision will be made and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be informed of the decision.
PhD Studentship Application Form
The PhD Studentship Application Form is separate from the main PhD application process.
Important Notes on Applying
Please note applicants for funding will only be considered when accompanied by a full application to the PhD programme. This is because:
- Many of the documents submitted with the main application, including the final research proposal, will be reviewed by the funding board when the final decision is made and
- The School of Law will need to ascertain prior to the funding board decision if it is able to offer an applicant PhD supervision.
You should make sure that you read all the information on the PhD how to apply page before completing the online application process.
To apply online go to the PhD online application page, choose your entry date and follow the instructions.
Where to send your PhD funding application form
Send your completed paper-based funding application form only direct to the School of Law by email to: g.skehan@qmul.ac.uk
by post to: Mr Gareth Skehan, PhD Admissions Administrator,
School of Law, Queen Mary, University of London,
67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields,
London WC2A 3JB
Visit official website.