PhD Stipend Scholarship in Algebraic Coding Theory

PhD Stipend Scholarship in Algebraic Coding Theory

Job description
Algebraic Coding Theory
The PhD student will be associated with the group Mathematics for Communication at the Department of Mathematical Sciences ( Official Website.). This group is also part of the Danish-Chinese Center for Applications of Algebraic Geometry in Coding and Cryptography. The center is the framework of the PhD stipend. The project will be in algebraic coding theory.
The applicant must have a master degree or similar and strong qualifications in algebraic coding theory, algebra or algebraic geometry. The applicant must furthermore master English both orally and in writing.
You may obtain further information from Associate Professor Olav Geil , Department of Mathematical Sciences , phone: +45 99408875 , e-mail: concerning the technical aspects of the stipend.
PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Masters degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Engineering and Science, in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 18 of January 14, 2008 on the PhD Programme at the Universities. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed every six months. It is a prerequisite for continuation of salary payment that the previous progress is approved at the time of the evaluation.
The qualifications of the applicant will be assessed by an assessment committee. On the basis of the recommendation of the assessment committee, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Science will make a decision for allocating the stipend.
For further information about stipends and salary contact Ms. Maj-Britt Trolle Ståhl, The Faculty of Engineering and Science, email:, phone: +45 9940 7582.
The faculty have a research school, The Doctoral School of Engineering, Science and Medicine: Official Website. and a Network for all PhD students: Official Website.
Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the Ministry of Finance Circular of October 1, 2008 on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the Ministry of Finance Circular of June 13, 2007 on the employment structure at Danish Universities.
Application Deadline : 15 April 2011
Visit Official Website.