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PhD Scholarship Position in Geoinformatics and GIScience


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PhD Scholarship Position in Geoinformatics and GIScience

The Doctoral College GIScience builds on the strong foundations of the current doctoral programme in Geoinformatics and GIScience.

It fosters the improved integration of existing research clusters across disciplinary boundaries, especially between the geo-disciplines and other natural sciences but also with formalized ties into computing and the social sciences.

Based on its research excellence and the unique setting in the GIScience triangle university research – non-university research – industry research, more researchers need to be trained at doctoral level than ever before, if the ambitious objectives concerning enhanced research capacity, innovation and qualitative growth are to be met.

DK GIScience is an ‘education through research’ program with supervision, monitoring and assessment procedures which are critically important for the quality of the experience and training of doctoral candidates. DK GIScience focuses on qualification requirements, responsibilities and duties of supervisors; training of supervisors; workloads of supervisors; supervision models; doctoral candidates’ progress assessment; requirements for the doctoral thesis and its defence; and finally, the follow-up “tracking” of doctoral candidates’ career outcomes.


Application requirements and procedures
Requirements are the excellent completion of a degree at the Masters level in Geoinformatics, Geomatics, Computer Science or any scientific/technical subject in a relevant field, and excellent English language (both oral and writing) skills.

Important dates:

  • First Application deadline: 20 April, 2011 (later applications may be considered for a second round of interviews if any positions remain open)
  • Selection workshop (for pre‐selected applicants): end of May / early June, 2011
  • Start of the program: Late September 2011, start of regular classes: 03 October.

Applicants have to submit the complete scholarship application as detailed at the under “Application form” (see left hand side of this website)..
Candidates will be selected by the selection committee consisting of the faculty members. Successful candidates will then be invited to start their official admission process at the University of Salzburg. For this first selection process only electronic documentation is required.

For all inquiries, please contact giscience@sbg.ac.at

Application Deadline : 20 April 2011

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