PhD Positions in Computer Science at Dalian University of Technology, China

PhD Positions in Computer Science at Dalian University of Technology, China

We are opening 2-3 PhD student positions in related fields, including e.g. CPS, wireless networking, mobile computing, ubiquitous/pervasive computing, internet of things, vehicular networking, and swarm intelligence. All positions will be coupled to full Government scholarships. Basic living allowance will be 2,000 RMB/month, plus Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit. The scholarships are exempt from registration fee, tuition, and fee for basic learning materials. Accommodation on campus will be provided for free. The University will offer excellent working conditions.
Supervisor: Associate Professor Feng XIA
Working location: Dalian University of Technology @ Dalian, China
Starting date: September 2011
PhD duration: 3-4 years
- Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.
- Applicants must be students who study in foreign countries.
- Applicants shall have a master`s degree in Computer Science/Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or related discipline.
- Applicants must be under the age of 40.
- A good command of the English language (in speaking and in writing) is required.
Application procedure
Before submitting the full application (to the University), each potential applicant should first send an initial application via email to Feng Xia ( The application should include a detailed CV (including email addresses of two referees), a statement of research experience and interests, and a scientific document written by yourself (in English). The deadline for applications is 28 February 2011 or until the positions are filled. Only a few candidates will be shortlisted for full application. Interested applicants are highly encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible.
For further information regarding these positions, please contact:
Feng XIA
PhD, Associate Professor, PhD Supervisor
School of Software, Dalian University of Technology
Road No. 8, Development Zone, Dalian 116620, China
URL: http://FengXia.NET
TEL: 86-411-87571582