Lord Crewe Junior Research Fellowship in Music, Lincoln College, University of Oxford, UK

Lord Crewe Junior Research Fellowship in Music, Lincoln College, University of Oxford, UK

The Fellow will be expected to undertake advanced research in any field of music and to provide a limited amount of undergraduate tuition in music. He or she will also be expected to take an active role in the musical life of the College, working particularly with the Chapel Choir and with the Organ and Choral Scholars.
The Fellowship carries a stipend of £21,074 – £23,946 p.a., membership of the USS pension scheme, full Common Room rights, and access to the Fellows’ research fund. College accommodation, suitable for a single person, will be provided if available, otherwise a housing allowance of £1,800 p.a. will be paid.
Further particulars and an application form may be downloaded here or obtained from the Academic Administrator, Lincoln College, Oxford, OX1 3DR, tel: 01865 279801, fax: 01865 279802, to whom applications should be submitted by 4pm on Wednesday 9th March 2011. Applications by email are welcome. If you require the further particulars and the application form in another format please contact the Academic Adminstrator.