10 PhD Scholarship Positions at Faculty of Law

10 PhD Scholarship Positions at Faculty of Law

Research in the field of public international law is embedded in the ACIL (Amsterdam Center for International Law). Research programmes within the ACIL in particular focus on international constitutional law (including human rights law), international responsibility, international criminal justice, and the reception of international law in the domestic legal order. Official Website .
The Institute for Information Law (IViR), officially established in 1989, is one of the largest research centers in the field of information law in the world. The institute’s mission is to further the development of information law into a balanced framework that accommodates the needs and interests of the information society. The Institute engages in cutting-edge research into fundamental and topical aspects of information law, and provides a forum for critical debate about the social, cultural and political aspects of regulating information markets. www.ivir.nl
Private and Public European Law combines three aspects of the Europeanization of the law system;
The Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (CSECL) aims to promote high-quality research and education in the area of European contract law. Its research programme focuses on the interplay between the European, national and international laws of contract. It understands contract law in a wide and functional sense, i.e. the law of economic transactions. www.jur.uva.nl/csecl
The establishment of the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG) in 2009 emphasizes the distinctive and dynamic manner in which European law is researched at the University of Amsterdam, namely in the context of the surrounding legal and political systems as well as wider structures of (global) governance. Building upon previous work and expertise of existing staff and strengthened by significant new research appointments, ACELG focuses on mapping and understanding the constitutional (political, administrative, and economic) evolution that has taken place under the auspices of the European Union. www.jur.uva.nl/acelg
Since 1 January 2009, the tax law research of the Amsterdam University has been conducted at the Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law (ACTL). The research topic of the ACTL is ‘Tax sovereignty versus Globalization’. The aim of this research project is twofold: (i) to establish the limits on national tax sovereignty and tax jurisdiction set by international and supranational law, and (ii) to assess whether these limits should be narrowed of broadened on the basis of criteria such as level playing field, interjurisdictional equity, free movement of persons and capital, budgetary stability, and fair interstate policy competition. www.jur.uva.nl/actl
- Engage in supervised scientific research that will ultimately result in a doctoral thesis
- Candidates may also lecture on subjects relevant to the thesis in the Faculty’s curriculum
- Regularly present intermediate research results at international workshops and conferences, and publish them in proceedings and journals
- Collaborate with the researchers in relevant other parts of the programmes
- Participate in the organization of research activities and events, such as conferences, workshops and joint publications
Further information
- ACIL: Prof. P.A. Nollkaemper, 020 5252637, P.A.Nollkaemper@uva.nl
- IVIR: Prof. P.B. Hugenholtz, 020 5253925, P.B.Hugenholtz@uva.nl
- CSECL: Prof. M.W. Hesselink, 020 5253569, M.W.Hesselink@uva.nl
- ACELG: Prof. D.M. Curtin, 020 5258573, D.M.Curtin@uva.nl
- ACTL: Prof. R.P.C. Cornelisse, 020 5253458, R.P.C.Cornelisse@uva.nl
The appointment will be either full-time (38 hours) or 32 hours a week. The starting date is 1 September 2011. The appointment will initially be for 1 year. Extension of the contract to a maximum of four years is subject to satisfactory performance after the first year.
The gross full-time monthly salary will be in accordance with the salary scales for PhD candidates at Dutch universities, i.e. ranging from €2,042 in the first year to €2,612 in the final year. Secondary benefits at Dutch universities are attractive and include 8% holiday pay and an 8.3% end of year bonus.
Job application
The application procedure consists of two stages.
In the first stage, the research groups will determine which candidates and proposals they will sponsor. Candidates are advised to contact the relevant research group before they formally apply for sponsorship.
To apply for sponsorship of one of the positions, please send the following documents, following the guidelines attached to this document, in English before 1 March 2011:
- PhD proposal or indication of research interest
- Motivation letter
- Curriculum vitae
- Proof of your Master’s degree, including your Bachelor’s and Master’s transcripts; if you have not completed your degree at the time of application, please provide a statement from your supervisor confirming the expected date of completion of your degree
- The names of two academic referees with contact information
Please send all your documents in pdf or doc format. Only complete applications will be considered.
Applications should be sent preferably by email to solliciteren-fdr@uva.nl or by mail to the Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, attn. Dr P.M. Kwantes, Director of the Faculty, Personnel Department, P.O. Box 1030, 1000 BA Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
In the second stage, the research groups will forward the files of the candidates/proposals they sponsor to the Faculty. The faculty will make a final selection, based on the quality of the candidate, the strength of the research proposal and its relation to the faculty’s research programmes, and the supervisory structure. Since there might be more sponsored proposals than positions, sponsorship does not guarantee a position! An interview can be part of both stages of the selection procedure.
Application Deadline : 1 March 2011
Official Website .