Master Scholarships, Optics in Science and Technology, Erasmus Mundus, Europe

Master Scholarships, Optics in Science and Technology, Erasmus Mundus, Europe
MSc OpSciTech is a unique European Master`s Course providing a comprehensive and multidisciplinary coverage of the field of Optics, from upstream scientific aspects to engineering and applications in major sectors of the economy. Offered by six top-level academic partners in five countries, it receives financial support from the European Commission and is supported by major industries such as Alcatel-Lucent, Philips, Saint-Gobain, Thales, Zeiss or ASML.Learning Objectives and outcomes
Students enrolled in the two-year programme will study in two different countries of their choice, spending one year in each and offering the opportunity to acquire 60 European Credit Transfer System units (ECTS) per year. Students are trained for technical or scientific positions in academic or industrial environment specialized in optics or using optics. PhD studies are a natural extension of the Course.
Each graduate is awarded the Master`s degrees of the 2 institutions involved in his / her individual study path.
* TU Delft/Technische Universiteit Delft: Master of Science in Applied Physics / Ingenieur
* FSU Jena/Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena: Master of Science in Photonics
* Imperial College London: MSc in Applied Photonics
* Université Paris-Sud 11 and Institut d`Optique Graduate School, Paris: Master in Optics, Matter & Plasma/Master en optique, matière et plasmas, co-accredited also with Ecole Polytechnique
* Warsaw University of Technology / Politechnika Warszawska: Master in Automatics & Robotics specialized in Photonics Engineering / Magister w dyscyplinie Automatyka i Robotyka ze specjalizacj w Inzynierii Fotonicznej
Erasmus Mundus grants for non-EU students
OpSciTech is one of the Master Courses selected by the prestigious Erasmus Mundus framework of the European Commission through which students from non-European Uni0n countries are eligible for two-year grants of € 24,000 per year.
For 2010/2011, a total of 10 Erasmus Mundus grants were available for these students (“general category”) and additionally 1 or 2 specifically for students from “special windows”, namely Western Balkans and Turkey.
EM grants are awarded on the basis of merit by the European Commission under proposition of the OpSciTech board.
For whom does this apply?
Students from non-EU countries are defined as:
nationals coming from all countries other than the 27 EU Member States
who are not residents of any of the above countries
who have not carried out their main activities (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the above countries.
Erasmus Mundus grants for European students
For 2010/2011, a total of 8 Erasmus Mundus grants of maximum € 23,000 for two years were available for students from the 27 EU members, or from the AELE – i.e. from Iceland, Liechtenstein or from Norway – on condition that their institution of origin was not a Partner of the OpSciTech Consortium. EM grants are awarded on the basis of merit by the European Commission under proposition of the OpSciTech board.
Admission requirements and criteria
Applications for OpSciTech are jointly handled by all partners of the consortium on this website.
Applicants should have a BSc or BEng comprising significant exposure to physics and optics fundamentals. Other criteria to be taken into account are awards, external references, details of earlier projects, and proof of English proficiency.
TOEFL Scores: 550 to 600 (check university`s requirement)
APPLICATION CHECK-LIST: documents to be uploaded
Please upload the following documents in .pdf format on the Application extranet (during application period: see calendar & deadlines) :
1. CV
2. letter of motivation
3. scans of pages 2-3 of passport
4. birth certificate
5. transcripts of marks
6. English test scores
7. degrees and diplomas
8. 2 letters of recommendation (to be directly uploaded into your online application file by your referees).
We stress the fact that only .pdf documents are acceptable.
Erasmus Mundus Master programme
Optics in Science & Technology
Coordinator`s Office
Campus Polytechnique-RD 128, 2 av. Augustin Fresnel
91127 Palaiseau Cedex FRANCE
Phone : +33 1 64 53 32 08
Further information, please visit: