Graduate Scholarships in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, University of Calgary, Canada

Graduate Scholarships in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, University of Calgary, Canada
Graduate student positions in theoretical and computational chemistry. Univ. of Calgary CanadaUp to 4 graduate student positions in theoretical and computational chemistry will become available in my group by May 2011, September 2011 or January 2012. The successful applicants will be involved with the development of new computational methods or applications of state-of-the-art computational methodology to problems of chemical interest. Application deadlines are 4 months prior to admission . The applicant should have a solid background in (Physical) Chemistry, and a strong interest in Theoretical/Computational Chemistry as well as an average GPA corresponding to 3.3/4.0 (80 %) or more in the North American system.
Students will receive financial assistance throughout the course of their studies (4-5 years) in terms of scholarships or teaching assistance ships. The student will normally spend from 12 months to 18 months finishing the course requirements (4 half courses + a general examination in the students field of specialization. The remaining part of the program is devoted to the students research work. The student will be allocated an interim supervisor and should chose his/her permanent supervisor within 8 months after arriving in Calgary.
The course requirements for students with the equivalent of a Masters degree might be reduced to two courses. We do not have entrance examinations. The students are admitted based on their letters of reference, academic records, and recommendations from a panel of faculty members in the applicants field of specialization. Foreign students with English as a second language must pass the TOEFL test with a score of 580. All foreign students will be covered by an inexpensive medical insurance. Students will be fully supported by teaching assistance ships and scholarships for a total of $24,000 CDN. The tuition fee is covered by research grants in my group .