European Master on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P), Erasmus Mundus

European Master on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P), Erasmus Mundus
The European Master on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) is a graduate university programme, supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Programme which provides a Postgraduated Diploma.The Master requires a university undergraduate degree in Psychology. The objective is to contribute to the qualification of professionals and researchers in the discipline of Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology emphasizing a European approach and perspective. The Master implements the main guidelines developed by the Euro-Psych model for the European Diploma of Psychology (EDP) supported by the European Federation of Psychology Association (EFPA). It also follows the Reference Model and Minimal Standards of the European Curriculum in WOP Psychology established by the European Network of Work and Organizational Psychology Professors (ENOP).
Partner universities
Five European universities are involved: Universitat de València (Spain) as the coordinating institution, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), Université René Descartes Paris 5 (France), Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna (Italy), and Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) and two Non-European universities are also involved: Universidade de BrasÃlia (Brazil) and University of Guelph (Canada).
Compulsory admission criteria are:
1. University Undergraduate (ie bachelor) Degree in Psychology. Postgraduate degrees such as master or Phd are not accepted.
2. Commitment in writing to full-time dedication for the 2 years of the programme and other commitments for students with EM grants and commitments for students without EM grants.
3. Fluency in English (level B1), using the common European Framework of reference for languages.
Category A grants for students
Category A grants for students have to be considered as “full scholarships” covering most of the necessary costs of the student while following his/her EMMC studies.
For the academic year 2011/2012, the amount granted of EM Category A grants for students covers the registration fees and other participation costs, and a monthly payment between 1,400 and 1,500 euros per each academic year (10 months). As WOP Master is a two year programme, the student will receive the monthly payment during 20 months.
Category B grants for students
Category B grants for students have to be considered as a “financial contribution” to the student`s costs while following his/her EMMC studies.
For the academic year 2011/2012, the amount granted of EM Category B grants for students covers the registration fees and other participation costs, and a monthly payment between 500 and 650 euros per each academic year (10 months). As WOP Master is a two year programme, the student will receive the monthly payment during 20 months.
Grants for European and Non-European Scholars
Grants for scholars are calculated on the basis of 1,200 Euros per week. The minimum scholarship is 2,400 euros for a two-week stay and the maximum scholarship is 14,400 euros for a three-month stay. Very important: The amount is considered gross salary and income tax deduction will be imposed according to tax laws in the country of the Coordinating University, which in WOP Master is Spain.
Application procedure for students and scholars
For Students (Type A and Type B): students who want to apply for WOP-P Programme have to follow the procedure that is described below, either if the student is applying for both WOP programme and EM grants or only for WOP programme. All students must apply in the same way even if they are interested in one or another university as Home or Host Universities.
The application form is an on-line application where the student applicants should introduce all required data and send also the required documents. Applying is very easy. Follow the 4 steps below!!
* Student`s statement and commitment (signed and scanned). It can be also found at the end of this page
* your of the degree in Psychology. If you do not have it yet, please give an explanation in a text document and upload it. There are formal requirements for your degree in Psychology.
* your academic transcripts in Psychology. If they are not complete yet, please upload them anyway. There are formal requirements about your academic transcripts in Psychology.
* language certificates, if available
* CV – Standard European Format only (in English)
* 2 letters of reference (one preferably academic)
* a proof of nationality (preferably your passport)
* a recent photo of yourself
* a motivation letter
* any other document you would like to provide
For Scholars: scholars have to apply on-line in order to be accepted by the WOP-P consortium. Scholars can apply to the WOP-P consortium on their own initiative or can be invited by the WOP-P consortium to apply. Scholars apply to carry out teaching and research assignments and scholarly work in the institutions participating in WOP Programme.
The application form is an on-line application where the scholar applicants should introduce all required data and send also the required documents. Applying is very easy. Follow the 3 steps below!!
* Scholar`s commitment (signed and scanned). It can be found at the end of this page.
* an extensive CV, stating publication records, research activities, etc (please in English)
* your passport or any other identification document of your own country
* a motivation letter. A model can be found at the end of this page.
* a simple photocopy of your academic degrees or professional diplomas, and your previous teaching experience in the field (seminars, intensive courses, etc)
* language certificates, if available
* any other document you would like to provide
Contact Detail
For enquiries about Erasmus Mundus Grants (Category A or Category B) as well as about Erasmus Mundus Grants for Scholars, please contact the person in the Coordinating University of WOP Programme: University of Valencia
Université René Descartes Paris V, France.
Mrs Sylvie Staedel
Erasmus Offices
Institut de Psychologie
71, Avenue Edouard Vaillant
92770 Boulogne Billancourt (France)
Phone: + 01 55 20 58 66
Alma Mater Studioreum-Università Di Bologna, Italy.
Prof. Salvatore ZappalÃ
Facoltà di Psicologia
Piazza Aldo Moro, 90
47023 Cesena (Italy)
Phone: +39 0547 338521
Fax: +39 0547 338 532
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
Alice Oliveira
GAID– Gabinete de Apoio à Investigação e à Docência. Eramus Mundus Coordinating Assistant
Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação
Rua do Colégio Novo
Apartado 6153
3001-802 Coimbra (Portugal)
Phone / Fax: +351 239 851454
University of Barcelona, Spain.
Sra. Dolors Yvorra
Facultat de Psicologia (Dpto. de PsicologÃa social)
Pg. de la Vall d`Hebron, 171
08035 Barcelona (Spain)
Phone: +34 93 312 50 03
University of Valencia, Spain.
Inmaculada Aleixos Borrás
Erasmus Mundus WOP-P Coordinating Assistant
Facultat de PsicologÃa (Dpto. de PsicologÃa social)
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 21 Facultad de PsicologÃa
46010 Valencia (Spain)
Phone: +34 96 386 45 49
Fax: +34 96 386 46 68
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