Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics (EMMP)

Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics (EMMP)
OverviewThe Erasmus Mundus MSc programme in Photonics is a 2-year (4 semesters - 120 ECTS credits) program, with a fixed mobility track.
Photonics is now widely recognized as a major innovation enabling discipline for the 21st century. It can be defined as that field of science and technology where the fundamental properties of light and its interaction with matter are studied and applied.
First semester: takes place Belgium at Ghent University and is devoted to the fundamental basics of photonics in depth and to an introduction to the breadth of photonics. All of this in strong collaboration with another Belgian partner university, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Second semester: takes place in Sweden at the Royal Institute of Technology KTH and is devoted to engineering skills in photonics and to applications of photonics.
Third semester: takes place in Scotland, UK at the University of St Andrews and is devoted to advanced photonics and research skills in photonics.
Fourth semester: is entirely devoted to the master dissertation. The location of the fourth semester depends on the student`s thesis choice. The thesis can take place in all partner universities and also in one of the three associated academic partners.
Each year is concluded by a Summer School whereby first and second year students meet, do project, attend lectures of world-renownded speakers in the field of photonics.
Furthermore, during the summer break after year 1, students can do an academic or industrial internship in a photonics company or reserach institute. Leading research and educational institutions in Europe are collaborating to offer a joint Erasmus Mundus Master of Science program in Photonics, providing a top-quality education in all aspects of photonics. The master programme has a duration of two years (120 ECTS points), with a fixed mobility track in the first three semesters and a broad range of choice for the fourth semester, dedicated to the master thesis.
Organising universities
EMMP consists of five partners, which are included in the mobility track for the EMMP-students and who jointly organise this program. These core partners are:
- Ghent University
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Royal Institute of Technology KTH
- University of St Andrews
- National Taiwan University
The EMMP-consortium offers: for non-European students: 5.000 Euro per year
Conditions: The grants will be given to the twenty best ranked non-European students, based on the EMMP selection criteria
Special excellence grants
Apart from the standard grants, a limited number of prestigious excellence grants will be awarded to the very best ranked European and non-European students.
These grants are also awarded by the EMMP consortium during the selection process.
UGent Excellence Grant:
Ghent University offers:
- for European students: 8000 Euro per year
- for non-European students: 12000 Euro per year
- the UGent Excellence Grants will be awarded to the best ranked European and best ranked non-European applicant.
- the UGent Excellence Grant can not be combined with the EMMP-grant.
Several scholarships/grants are proposed each year to students enrolled or about to enroll in graduate programmes in optical science and engineering and related disciplines.
Unlike the EMMP Grants and Special Excellence Grants, the EMMP does not control the following grants which are offered by other parties. SPIE scholarships (SPIE, international society for advancement of science and application of light)
Through 2009 SPIE has distributed over $2.8 million in scholarships to 1,233 students across 86 countries. SPIE awarded over $300,000 in 2010 with individual scholarships ranging from $2,000 to $11,000. Applications are available at SPIE scholarships and the submission deadline for 2011 is January 15, 2011. The 2011 application form will be available in August 2010.
Belgian Government Scholarships for Indian students in the field of Photonics Three students can be awarded with a 10-month scholarship. More information: Photonics scholarships.
Erasmus scholarships: only for European students. More information to be obtained in the International Relations Office of your local university. Please quote as your reference when applying for this scholarship
Admission criteria
The Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics offers admission to applicants who appear to have the highest potential for graduate study and who, with the benefit of a graduate education, are the most likely to contribute substantially to their academic or professional fields through teaching, research, or professional practice.
The minimum graduate admission requirements are:
- A bachelor`s degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution (minimum 3 years full time study or 180 ECTS credits) in Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Physics, Materials Science or a related discipline. Students in their last year of such a bachelor programme will however also be considered.
- Sufficient English language ability. The following shall be accepted as proof: the prospective student has already successfully completed a one-year English-language study programme, either at a different institution of higher education or at a secondary school;
- a TOEFL-TEST, taken as recently as within the last two years, showing a score of at least 570 (paper-based) or 87 (internet-based)
- an original "test report from" (TRF) from IELTS, issued as recently as within the last two years, showing a score of at least 6.5, with a minimum of 6.0 per each part
- If prospective students hold a secondary education diploma, an academic Bachelor`s diploma or a Master`s diploma awarded by an educational institution that is duly recognised by the Flemish Community, no proof of sufficient English language ability must be provided.
- Obtained degrees. Applicants are recommended also to provide additional information (short course description, course credits,…) on the courses they have taken during their previous studies, especially in the fields of applied mathematics, electromagnetics, optics, electronics, telecommunications and semiconductor physics.
- Grades/marks
- English language ability
- Motivation statement
- Any relevant publications, thesis or project work, etc.
- The information about these 5 points has to be given in the application form.
Candidates that have scored well on the above points will be briefly interviewed via telephone. They will be asked questions about their motivation and about their previous experience as well as technical questions.
Application form:
Application files should be posted to:
Secretariat of Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics
Faculty of Engineering, Ghent University
Department of Information Technology
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B - 9000 Ghent
Further Information
For further information on Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics you can contact:
EMMP Programme Officer: Bert Coryn
Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics Secretariat
Ghent University
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Information Technology
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B - 9000 Ghent
Phone: +32 (0) 9264 9828
Fax: +32 (0) 9264 3593